Various cabal-testsuite
1 error and 2 warnings
Suggestion in main in module Main: Move brackets to avoid $ ▫︎ Found: "skipIfCIAndWindows 10230\n >>\n (cabalTest\n $ flakyIfCI 9530\n $ withProjectFile \"cabal.project\"\n $ withRemoteRepo \"repo\"\n $ do output <- last\n . words\n . head\n . filter\n (\"Index cache updated to index-state \" `isPrefixOf`)\n . lines . resultOutput\n <$> recordMode DoNotRecord (cabal' \"update\" [])\n shell \"cp\" [\"\", \"cabal.out\"]\n shell\n \"sed\"\n [\"-i\" ++ if not isWindows then \"''\" else \"\", \"-e\",\n \"s/REPLACEME/\" <> output <> \"/g\", \"cabal.out\"]\n fails\n $ cabal \"build\" [\"--index-state=4000-01-01T00:00:00Z\", \"fake-pkg\"]\n fails\n $ cabal \"build\" [\"--index-state=2023-01-01T00:00:00Z\", \"fake-pkg\"])" ▫︎ Perhaps: "skipIfCIAndWindows 10230\n >>\n cabalTest\n (flakyIfCI 9530\n $ withProjectFile \"cabal.project\"\n $ withRemoteRepo \"repo\"\n $ do output <- last\n . words\n . head\n . filter\n (\"Index cache updated to index-state \" `isPrefixOf`)\n . lines . resultOutput\n <$> recordMode DoNotRecord (cabal' \"update\" [])\n shell \"cp\" [\"\", \"cabal.out\"]\n shell\n \"sed\"\n [\"-i\" ++ if not isWindows then \"''\" else \"\", \"-e\",\n \"s/REPLACEME/\" <> output <> \"/g\", \"cabal.out\"]\n fails\n $ cabal \"build\" [\"--index-state=4000-01-01T00:00:00Z\", \"fake-pkg\"]\n fails\n $ cabal \"build\" [\"--index-state=2023-01-01T00:00:00Z\", \"fake-pkg\"])"
Suggestion in main in module Main: Move brackets to avoid $ ▫︎ Found: "skipIfCIAndWindows 10230\n >>\n (cabalTest\n $ flakyIfCI 9530\n $ withRemoteRepo \"repo\"\n $ do res <- recordMode DoNotRecord\n $ cabal' \"update\" [\"repository.localhost,2022-01-28T02:36:41Z\"]\n assertOutputContains\n \"The index-state is set to 2022-01-28T02:36:41Z\" res\n assertOutputDoesNotContain \"revert\" res\n cabal \"update\" [\"repository.localhost,2016-09-24T17:47:48Z\"]\n cabal \"update\" [\"repository.localhost,2022-01-28T02:36:41Z\"])" ▫︎ Perhaps: "skipIfCIAndWindows 10230\n >>\n cabalTest\n (flakyIfCI 9530\n $ withRemoteRepo \"repo\"\n $ do res <- recordMode DoNotRecord\n $ cabal' \"update\" [\"repository.localhost,2022-01-28T02:36:41Z\"]\n assertOutputContains\n \"The index-state is set to 2022-01-28T02:36:41Z\" res\n assertOutputDoesNotContain \"revert\" res\n cabal \"update\" [\"repository.localhost,2016-09-24T17:47:48Z\"]\n cabal \"update\" [\"repository.localhost,2022-01-28T02:36:41Z\"])"
This job failed