A cookbook for deploying DataStax Community Cassandra and OpsCenter and configuring a basic Cassandra cluster.
Heavy influence for this cookbook has been drawn from DataStax's own set of cookbooks and the Cassandra community cookbook. It's been some time since either of those were updated, and this cookbook is written to meet a slightly different set of needs, hence the new cookbook.
This cookbook is designed to hopefully be overrideable to the point where non-DataStax packages could easily be dropped in instead, as there are at least a few packagers of Apache Cassandra..
- RHEL/CentOS 5/6 or Ubuntu 10.04/12.04 (possibly other untested distros/vers)
- For proper clustering
Ohai attributes that will match what is fed in via the cluster's data bag item.
Some important attributes that a person might want to override for their own deployment:
normal["java"]["install_flavor"] = "oracle"
Oracle Java seems to be the recommended for Cassandra, but OpenJDK would work
default["cassandra"]["clustered"] = false
Is this node meant to be a part of a multi-node cluster?
default["cassandra"]["cluster_name"] = "Casserole Cluster"
Name of the cluster of which the node is a member
default["cassandra"]["data_bag"] = nil
Cluster information can be obtained from a central data bag instead of node attributes if a data bag name is set.
default["cassandra"]["node_id"] = node["fqdn"]
The unique name the node is identified by in the cluster's data bag item
default["cassandra"]["encryption_options"]["internode_encryption"] = "none"
default["cassandra"]["encryption_options"]["key"] = nil
default["cassandra"]["encryption_options"]["keystore"] = ".keystore"
default["cassandra"]["encryption_options"]["keystore_password"] = "cassandra"
default["cassandra"]["encryption_options"]["crt"] = nil
default["cassandra"]["encryption_options"]["truststore"] = ".truststore"
default["cassandra"]["encryption_options"]["truststore_password"] = "cassandra"
Options for enabling SSL encryption of the Thrift traffic between nodes/datacenters
default["cassandra"]["listen_address"] = node["ipaddress"]
The IP address for the node to listen on
default["cassandra"]["name"] = "cassandra"
The name of the software, as used in the service definitions, etc
default["cassandra"]["conf_dir"] = "/etc/cassandra/conf"
Cassandra's main configuration directory
default["cassandra"]["extra_services"] = ["opscenterd"]
Any services beyond node["cassandra"]["name"]
that the cookbook manages
default["cassandra"]["packages"] = {
"python-cql" => {"version" => "1.0.10-1"},
"dsc1.1" => {"version" => "1.1.6-1"},
"opscenter-free" => {"version" => "2.1.2-1"}
The packages and versions (or nil values) Cassandra needs
default["cassandra"]["repos"] = {
"datastax_community" => {
"description" => "DataStax Community Repo for Apache Cassandra",
"url" => ds_url,
"key" => ds_key,
"components" => ds_components
The package repositories required for the Cassandra packages.
Nothing special yet, but complexity will increase as full clustering functionality is added
Pull requests are gladly accepted!
This cookbook uses a number of tools that are required for development:
- Vagrant and VirtualBox for creating virtual environments
- Berkshelf for retrieving cookbook dependencies
- Foodcritic for lint testing
- ChefSpec for the cookbook tests (see the cookbook spec/ directory)
- Minitest Chef Handler for the integration tests
- Test Kitchen for wrapping all the tests in a neat, little package
To have Berkshelf pull in all dependencies and start a Vagrant development env:
vagrant up
To run the Foodcritic lint tests:
foodcritic .
To run the ChefSpec tests:
To run the full Test Kitchen convergence suite:
kitchen test
Should every recipe really get its own Minitests? Test Kitchen runs would go much faster with only one configuration, e.g. everything in default.
Test Kitchen's integration_tests are funky, can they do ChefSpec so the preflight override isn't needed?
Functional tests are not yet integrated to ensure Cassandra is working. :(
What happens to the tokens and distribution if a current cluster needs a node added?
Authentication support for Cassandra
Authentication support for the Opscenter web UI
Support for IPv6
Is restarting Cassandra on template changes really acceptable?
Kitchen tests for a clustered configuration
Find a more elegant way to handle the conf dirs (/etc/cassandra/conf in RHEL vs /etc/cassandra in Ubuntu)
Use search instead of data_bag_item to determine cluster ID, use chef-solo-search to mock in test
Better exception checking for the items that are required to come from a data bag for a cluster
Better logging, particularly when setting the cluster attributes and calculating token IDs
Can the two init scripts be combined with enough logic to be compatible with Debian and RHEL, or do both really need to be maintained?
Ubuntu 12.04 runs out of memory using the base box's 384MB, may mess with being able to run Test Kitchen on Vagrant.
Tokens are being calculated wrong: dc1 rack1 Up Normal 20.39 KB 38.97% 57674485469197930195288808640163237968 dc1 rack1 Up Normal 20.39 KB 3.81% 64162880367564825393354959677131675083 dc2 rack1 Up Normal 20.39 KB 35.92% 125272177062940846191566045318489454887 dc2 rack1 Up Normal 20.39 KB 21.30% 161518014361785232698955613784408936953
Need to template out
, bind address and possibly other stuff for Opscenter -
Firewall rules!
Can the initial GUI setup of the Opscenter interface be automated?
rpc_address in cassandra.yaml
Add support for individual encryption keys instead of one shared one
Support both passworded and non-passworded key files
Migrate JNA install to
community cookbook -
Migrate encryption keystore operations to
or a wrapper cookbook for it -
Refactor some of the RSpec tests to use contexts more
Minitest tests for clustering (data bags + tokens) and encryption