Note1: There are three differnt display lips tested:
- (fast I2C Library for 128x64 pixels SSD1306 Displays)
- (fast Library for ESP32 and ESP8266 for many 16bit color TFT-Displays)
- (Adafruit has probably the most common display librarys) you have to choose one of those in Arduboy2.h with a #define
Note2: ESP32 and ESP8266 eeprom class has no update() function, it needs to be created by you. See file: Arduboy2/eepromNote.txt
Note3: For button inputs I am using the PS2X_lib but you can use whatever you want for reading your buttons, see Buttons.ino Example
Note4: I added created also a ArduboyTones fork for ESP32 and ESP8266 audio support.