A CLI (Command Line Interface) based report card system to enter marks of students and generate a report based on those marks with TkinterTkinter.
The Tkinter
Tkinter package (“Tk interface”) is the standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit. Both Tk and Tkinter are available on most Unix platforms, as well as on Windows systems. (Tk itself is not part of Python; it is maintained at ActiveState.)
This is one of my early starting projects that doesn't have much it can be directly runnable over CLI and is created remembering same, it has to mark giving strategy for CBSE schools only.
Python 2.x version
Steps to make it run
After confirming installation of Python 2.x just double click or execute the file if everything is okay it will run on CLI, to debug open in Python idle.
Description of Setup
On Initialize
Asks to enter Name of School
Then some details for School, Class, Teacher, and Student
Seeks info for Term (SA1\SA2) or Assessment (FA1\FA2\FA3\FA4) marks will be given.
Have different present of subjects according to classes for 1-10, 11-12 Commerce, 11-12 Science.
Generates a Digital Tkinter GUI Report Card, also has a copy of same saved in RollNo+Section+Class.txt file.