A CSS grid implementation of the famous PacMan arcade game. Build using: HTML; CSS; And JavaScript, as Project no 1 of the Ironhack WebDev Bootcamp.
This implementation uses the following:
- A JS Array as a matrix to generate; render and keep track of the playground's state.
- An Interval to refresh and update the players logic.
- Two overlayed grids. One to display the ghosts; And another for everything else.
- CSS animations and class names to display the appropriate sprites.
- Give PacMan more than one life.
- Improve the UI and make it more responsive.
- Add the ability to store the high score in localStorage.
- Add fruits as consumables.
- Add more levels.
- Turn it into a PWA.
Sound Effects: Classicgaming.cc
Sprites: Spriters-Resource.com
Article: Understanding Pac-Man Ghost Behavior - By Chad Birch