This project is a face recognition system that identifies individuals and manages their access to a facility or campus. The system recognizes registered students, employees, and visitors(to be implemented) based on their faces and performs appropriate actions based on their recognition status.
- Face detection and recognition using the face_recognition library
- Voice prompts and responses using the pyttsx3 library
- Speech recognition for user input using the SpeechRecognition library
- Object-oriented programming approach with classes for Student, Employee, and Visitor
- Integration of face recognition, speech recognition, and object management
- MySQL to update the records of students, so even if the code stops or face some error, dataset can be easily retrieved to run the system again
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install the required dependencies. Make sure you have Python 3 and pip installed, and then run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To register faces:
add two (or three for sql) images of each user in the faces folder with and name it name1.jpeg and name2.jpeg
method 1 (without using sql):
name = Student()
name.set_student("name",True(or False if you want the student to be outside the campus initially))
name = Employee()
name.set_employee("name",True(or False if you want the employee to be outside the campus initially ))
name = Visitor()
name.set_visitor("name",True(or False if you want the visitor to be outside the campus initially ))
just before the main to register students,employees and visitors
method 2 (using mysql) (still have some bugs and only for students)
- first install mysql server and start a server
- then in the terminal that is running mysql, run
Create Data ;
Use Data ;
Create table Students ( name varchar(50) , roll int , status_in int , visiting_place varchar(50) , path1 varchar(100) , path2 varchar(100) , path3 varchar(100);
Insert into Students values( “name” , 0001 , 0 , “Delhi” , “faces/name1.jpeg” , “faces/name2.jepg” , “faces/name3.jpeg”);
3. Run the main script to start the face recognition system:
- Hardik Jindal(220420)
- Dhruv Mittal(220363)
- Nikhil Gupta(220708)
- Raghav Manglik(220854)