- Cake list loaded and displayed when app started
- Remove duplicate entries
- Order entries by name
- Display image and title for each entry
- Display a divider between each entry
- Display the cake description in dialog on cake item clicked
- Added swipe refresh option that reloads the list
- Display an error message if the list cannot be loaded (e.g. no network)
- Handle orientation changes using flow and coroutines, ideally without reloading the list
- Provide an option to retry when an error like "no internet"
- Covered unit test for,
- when cakes item are duplicated and sorted by title.
- Cake list is success, empty or error case checked.
- Language : Kotlin
- Android Architecture : MVVM
- Dependency Injection : Hilt
- Image loading : Glide
- Coroutines and kotlin Flow api
- Design and view : XML layout and Databinding
- Testing : Mockito, JUnit and Turbine
- Swipe refresh layout for refresh data
- Retrofit : Networking libraries
Just make pull request. You are in!
Hardi Rachh
You can connect with me on:
- LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/hardi-r/
- Medium : https://hardirachh.medium.com/