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AgoraChatUIKit iOS 使用指南


chat-uikit 是基于声网 IM SDK 的一款 UI 组件库,它提供了一些通用的 UI 组件,“会话列表”和“聊天界面”,开发者可根据实际业务需求通过该组件库快速地搭建自定义 IM 应用。chat-uikit 中的组件在实现 UI 功能的同时,调用 IM SDK 相应的接口实现 IM 相关逻辑和数据的处理,因而开发者在使用 chat-uikit 时只需关注自身业务或个性化扩展即可。

chat-uikit 源码地址:

使用 chat-uikit 的声网 IM App 地址:



  • chat-uikit 支持 iOS 11.0及以上系统版本
  • AgoraChatIM 支持 iOS 11.0及以上系统版本



安装 Cocoapods 工具

  1. 开始前确保你已安装 Cocoapods。参考 Getting Started with CocoaPods 安装说明。
  2. 在终端里进入项目根目录,并运行 pod init 命令。项目文件夹下会生成一个 Podfile 文本文件。

有两种方式集成,使用 pod 方式集成 chat-uikit 或者源码集成 chat-uikit,具体步骤如下:

使用 pod 方式集成 chat-uikit

  1. 打开 Podfile 文件,添加 chat-uikit 依赖。注意将 ProjectName 替换为你的 Target 名称。
platform :ios, '11.0'

# Import CocoaPods sources
source ''

target 'ProjectName' do
    pod 'chat-uikit'
  1. 在终端 Terminal cd 到 podfile 文件所在目录,执行如下命令集成 SDK。
pod install
  1. 成功安装后,Terminal 中会显示 Pod installation complete!,此时项目文件夹下会生成一个 xcworkspace 文件,打开新生成的 xcworkspace 文件运行项目。

chat-uikit 依赖于 AgoraChat SDK,其中包含了拍照,发语音,发图片,发视频,发附件等功能,需要使用录音,摄像头,相册权限。需要在您项目的 info.plist 中添加对应权限。

源码集成 chat-uikit
  1. github 下载源码


Terminal command : git clone

  1. 项目添加 chat-uikit 源码依赖

打开 Podfile 文件,在 podfile 文件里添加 chat-uikit 依赖。

Podfile 文件示例:

platform :ios, '11.0'

source ''

target 'ProjectName' do
    pod 'chat-uikit',  :path => "../chat-uikit"

#chat-uikit path 路径需指向 chat-uikit.podspec 文件所在目录
  1. 项目集成本地 chat-uikit 源码

终端 Terminal cd 到 Podfile 文件所在目录,执行 pod install 命令在项目中安装 chat-uikit 本地源码

执行完成后,则在 Xcode 项目目录 Pods/Development Pods/ 可找到 chat-uikit 源码



在项目 info.plist 中添加相关权限:

Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description //相册权限
Privacy - Microphone Usage Description //麦克风权限
Privacy - Camera Usage Description //相机权限
App Transport Security Settings -> Allow Arbitrary Loads //开启网络服务


如果在源码自定义过程中有任何通用自定义都可以给我们仓库 提交代码,成为社区贡献者。


1. 引入头文件

#import <chat-uikit/EaseChatKit.h>

2. 初始化chat-uikit

在工程的 AppDelegate.m 中的以下方法中调用 EaseChatKitManager 的初始化方法一并初始化声网 AgoraChat sdk。(注: 此方法无需重复调用)

(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
	// Override point for customization after application launch.
	AgoraChatOptions *options = [AgoraChatOptions optionsWithAppkey:@"您创建的 APPKEY"];
	[EaseChatKitManager initWithAgoraChatOptions:options];
	return YES;

3. 接收未读数回调

EaseChatKitManagerDelegate 主要是会话未读数回调。 用户需要注册自己的类到 EaseChatKitManagerDelegate 才可收到未读总数变化回调。

 @brief   会话未读总数变化。
 @param   unreadCount     当前会话列表的总未读数。

- (void)conversationsUnreadCountUpdate:(NSInteger)unreadCount;



1. 导入头文件
#import <chat-uikit/EaseChatKit.h>
2. 加载会话页面

chat-uikit 提供聊天会话 ViewController,可以通过创建 EaseChatViewController 实例,并嵌入进自己的聊天控制器方式(参考 AgoraChatIM 中 ACDChatViewController.m)实现对 chat-uikit 聊天会话的集成。 创建聊天会话页面实例,需传递用户‘会话 ID’或‘群 ID’ ,会话类型(AgoraChatConversationType)以及必须传入聊天视图配置数据模型 EaseChatViewModel 实例。

EaseChatViewModel *viewModel = [[EaseChatViewModel alloc]init];
EaseChatViewController *chatController = [EaseChatViewController initWithConversationId:@"custom"
[self addChildViewController:chatController];
[self.view addSubview:chatController.view];
chatController.view.frame = self.view.bounds;


1. 导入头文件
#import <chat-uikit/EaseChatKit.h>

在自己聊天控制器内可嵌入 chat-uikit 的会话列表 EaseConversationsViewController,创建会话列表实例,实例化会话列表必须传入会话列表视图数据配置模型 EaseConversationViewModel 实例。

EaseConversationViewModel *viewModel = [[EaseConversationViewModel alloc] init];

EaseConversationsViewController *easeConvsVC = [[EaseConversationsViewController alloc] initWithModel:viewModel];
easeConvsVC.delegate = self;
[self addChildViewController:easeConvsVC];
[self.view addSubview:easeConvsVC.view];
[easeConvsVC.view mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) {




// Chat view background color
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *chatViewBgColor;

// Timeline background color
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *msgTimeItemBgColor;

// Timeline font
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIFont *msgTimeItemFont;

// Timeline font color
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *msgTimeItemFontColor;

// Bubble background image of received message
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIImage *receiverBubbleBgImage;

// Bubble background image of sent message
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIImage *senderBubbleBgImage;

// Right align image/video/attachment message bubble cornerRadius
@property (nonatomic) BubbleCornerRadius rightAlignmentCornerRadius;

// Left align image/video/attachment message bubble cornerRadius
@property (nonatomic) BubbleCornerRadius leftAlignmentCornerRadius;

// Message bubble background protected area
@property (nonatomic) UIEdgeInsets bubbleBgEdgeInsets;

// Sent message font color
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *sentFontColor;

// Receiver message font Color
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *reveivedFontColor;

// Text message font
@property (nonatomic) UIFont *textMessaegFont;

// Input menu background color and input menu gradient color mutually exclusive. display background color first
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *inputMenuBgColor;

// Input menu type
@property (nonatomic) EaseInputMenuStyle inputMenuStyle;

// Input menu extend view model
@property (nonatomic) EaseExtendMenuViewModel *extendMenuViewModel;

// Display sent avatar
@property (nonatomic) BOOL displaySentAvatar;

// Display received avatar
@property (nonatomic) BOOL displayReceivedAvatar;

// Display sent name
@property (nonatomic) BOOL displaySentName;

// Display received name
@property (nonatomic) BOOL displayReceiverName;

// Avatar style
@property (nonatomic) EaseChatAvatarStyle avatarStyle;

// Avatar cornerRadius Default: 0 (Only avatar type RoundedCorner)
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat avatarCornerRadius;

// Chat view message alignment
@property (nonatomic) EaseAlignmentStyle msgAlignmentStyle;

其中参数:extendMenuViewModel 输入区扩展功能数据配置模型(聊天会话页相机,相册等区域)内含可配参数:

 *  inputMenu "+" extend view style
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, EaseExtendViewStyle) {
    EaseInputMenuExtFuncView = 1,  //inputMenu view
    EasePopupView,                //viewcontroller popup view

// Icon background color
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *iconBgColor;

// View background color
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *viewBgColor;

// Font color
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *fontColor;

// Font size
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat fontSize;

// View size
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGSize collectionViewSize;

// Extend view style
@property (nonatomic) EaseExtendViewStyle extendViewStyle;


 *  Input menu style
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, EaseInputMenuStyle) {
    EaseInputMenuStyleAll = 1,          //All functions
    EaseInputMenuStyleNoAudio,          //No Audio
    EaseInputMenuStyleNoEmoji,          //No Emoji
    EaseInputMenuStyleNoAudioAndEmoji,  //No Audio And Emoji
    EaseInputMenuStyleOnlyText,         //Only Text

其中参数:EaseAlignmentStyle (消息排列方式,仅群聊可生效)包含两种类型

 *  Message alignment
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, EaseAlignmentStyle) {
    EaseAlignmentLeft_Right = 1,     //Left Right alignment
    EaseAlignmentlAll_Left,          //The left alignment

实例化的聊天控制器可通过重置视图 UI 配置模型刷新页面。


- (void)resetChatVCWithViewModel:(EaseChatViewModel *)viewModel;

chat-uikit 显示的是默认的UI样式,以下是对聊天会话样式进行自定义配置示例:

  • 默认样式示例:

只需创建 EaseChatViewModel 实例,并作为参数传入聊天页面 EaseChatViewController 的构造方法。

EaseChatViewModel *viewModel = [[EaseChatViewModel alloc]init]; //默认样式
EaseChatViewController *chatController = [EaseChatViewController initWithConversationId:@"会话 ID" conversationType:AgoraChatConversationTypeChat chatViewModel:viewModel];


// TODO:合并之后确定地址

  • 自定义样式配置示例:

创建 EaseChatViewModel 实例,修改该实例的可配置样式参数,将实例传入聊天页面 EaseChatViewController 的构造方法。

EaseChatViewModel *viewModel = [[EaseChatViewModel alloc]init];
viewModel.chatViewBgColor = [UIColor systemGrayColor];  //聊天页背景色
viewModel.inputMenuBgColor = [UIColor systemPinkColor]; //输入区背景色
viewModel.sentFontColor = [UIColor redColor];           //发送方文本颜色
viewModel.inputMenuStyle = EaseInputMenuStyleNoAudio;   //输入区菜单样式
viewModel.msgTimeItemFontColor = [UIColor blackColor];  //消息时间字体颜色
viewModel.msgTimeItemBgColor = [UIColor greenColor];    //消息时间区域背景色
EaseChatViewController *chatController = [EaseChatViewController initWithConversationId:@"会话 ID" conversationType:AgoraChatConversationTypeChat chatViewModel:viewModel];


// TODO:合并之后确定地址

关于更多 API 介绍请参考 EaseChatViewController 提供的 API,以及 EaseChatViewControllerDelegate 协议中的回调方法 API。



// display chatroom
@property (nonatomic) BOOL displayChatroom;

// avatar style
@property (nonatomic) EaseChatAvatarStyle avatarType;

// avatar size
@property (nonatomic) CGSize avatarSize;

// avatar cornerRadius
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat avatarCornerRadius;

// avatar location
@property (nonatomic) UIEdgeInsets avatarEdgeInsets;

// conversation top style
@property (nonatomic) EaseChatConversationTopStyle conversationTopStyle;

// conversation top bgColor
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *conversationTopBgColor;

// conversation top icon
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIImage *conversationTopIcon;

// top icon location
@property (nonatomic) UIEdgeInsets conversationTopIconInsets;

// top icon size
@property (nonatomic) CGSize conversationTopIconSize;

// nickname font
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIFont *nameLabelFont;

// nickname color
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *nameLabelColor;

// nickname location
@property (nonatomic) UIEdgeInsets nameLabelEdgeInsets;

// message detail font
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIFont *detailLabelFont;

// message detail text font
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *detailLabelColor;

// message detail location
@property (nonatomic) UIEdgeInsets detailLabelEdgeInsets;

// message time font
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIFont *timeLabelFont;

// message time color
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *timeLabelColor;

// message time location
@property (nonatomic) UIEdgeInsets timeLabelEdgeInsets;

// needs displayed Unread messages number
@property (nonatomic) BOOL needsDisplayBadge;

// message unread position
@property (nonatomic) EaseChatUnReadCountViewPosition badgeLabelPosition;

// message unread style
@property (nonatomic) EaseChatUnReadBadgeViewStyle badgeViewStyle;

// message unread font
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIFont *badgeLabelFont;

// message unread text color
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *badgeLabelTitleColor;

// message unread bgColor
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *badgeLabelBgColor;

// message unread angle height
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat badgeLabelHeight;

// message unread red dot height
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat badgeLabelRedDotHeight;

// message unread center position deviation
@property (nonatomic) CGVector badgeLabelCenterVector;

// message unread display limit, display after the upper limit is exceeded xx+
@property (nonatomic) int badgeMaxNum;

// no disturb image
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIImage *noDisturbImg;

// no disturb image location
@property (nonatomic) UIEdgeInsets noDisturbImgInsets;

// no disturb image size
@property (nonatomic) CGSize noDisturbImgSize;


// Whether to refresh by pull-down
@property (nonatomic) BOOL canRefresh;

// TableView bg view
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIView *bgView;

// UITableViewCell bg color
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *cellBgColor;

// UITableViewCell cocation of the dividing line
@property (nonatomic) UIEdgeInsets cellSeparatorInset;

// UITableViewCell color of the dividing line
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *cellSeparatorColor;

chat-uikit 显示的是默认的UI样式,以下是对会话列表样式进行自定义配置示例:

  • 默认样式示例:

只需创建 EaseChatViewModel 实例,并作为参数传入聊天页面 EaseChatViewController 的构造方法。

EaseConversationViewModel *viewModel = [[EaseConversationViewModel alloc] init]; //默认样式
EaseConversationsViewController *chatsVC = [[EaseConversationsViewController alloc] initWithModel:viewModel];


// TODO:合并之后确定地址

  • 自定义样式配置示例:

创建 EaseChatViewModel 实例,修改该实例的可配置样式参数,将实例传入聊天页面 EaseChatViewController 的构造方法。

EaseConversationViewModel *viewModel = [[EaseConversationViewModel alloc] init];
viewModel.canRefresh = YES;                                //是否可刷新
viewModel.badgeLabelCenterVector = CGVectorMake(-16, 0);   //未读数角标中心偏移量
viewModel.avatarType = Rectangular;                        //头像类型
viewModel.nameLabelColor = [UIColor blueColor];            //会话名称颜色
viewModel.detailLabelColor = [UIColor redColor];           //会话详情颜色
viewModel.timeLabelColor = [UIColor systemPinkColor];      //会话时间颜色
viewModel.cellBgColor = [UIColor lightGrayColor];          //会话cell背景色
viewModel.badgeLabelBgColor = [UIColor purpleColor];       //未读数背景色

EaseConversationsViewController *chatsVC = [[EaseConversationsViewController alloc] initWithModel:viewModel];


// TODO:合并之后确定地址

关于更多 API 介绍请参考 EaseConversationsViewController 提供的 API,以及 EaseConversationsViewControllerDelegate 协议中的回调方法 API。



实例化 EaseChatViewController 之后,可选择实现EaseChatViewControllerDelegate 协议(聊天控制器回调代理),接收 EaseChatViewController 的回调并做进一步的自定义实现。


自定义会话 cell 回调

通过实现聊天控制回调获取自定义消息 cell,根据 messageModel,用户自己判断是否显示自定义消息 cell。如果返回 nil 会显示默认;如果返回 cell 会显示用户自定义消息cell。

 * Customize cell.
 * @param tableView        Current Message view tableView
 * @param messageModel     Message data model
- (UITableViewCell *)cellForItem:(UITableView *)tableView messageModel:(EaseMessageModel *)messageModel;

选中消息的回调(chat-uikit 没有对于自定义 cell 的选中事件回调,需用户自定义实现选中响应)。

 * Message click event (returns whether the default click event needs to be executed) Defaults to YES
 * @param   message         The currently clicked message
 * @param   userData        The user profile carried by the currently clicked message
- (BOOL)didSelectMessageItem:(AgoraChatMessage *)message userProfile:(id<EaseUserProfile>)userData;


 * Returns user profile.
 * @discussion  Users according to huanxinID in their own user system to match the corresponding user information, and return the corresponding information, otherwise the default implementation.
 * @param   huanxinID        The huanxin ID.
- (id<EaseUserProfile>)userProfile:(NSString *)huanxinID;

用户资料回调 AgoraChatIM Demo 中使用示例:

- (id<EaseUserProfile>)userProfile:(NSString *)huanxinID
    AgoraChatUserDataModel *model = nil;
    AgoraChatUserInfo* userInfo = [[UserInfoStore sharedInstance] getUserInfoById:huanxinID];
    if(userInfo) {
        model = [[AgoraChatUserDataModel alloc]initWithUserInfo:userInfo];
        [[UserInfoStore sharedInstance] fetchUserInfosFromServer:@[huanxinID]];
    return model;
 * Avatar click event
 * @param   userData        The profile of the user pointed to by the currently clicked avatar.
- (void)avatarDidSelected:(id<EaseUserProfile>)userData;
 * Avatar long press event
 * @param   userData        The current long-pressed Avatar points to the user profile.
- (void)avatarDidLongPress:(id<EaseUserProfile>)userData;

当前会话输入扩展区数据模型组(UI 配置可在聊天视图配置数据模型中设置)

 * The current Conversation enters the extended area data model group
 * @param   defaultInputBarItems        The default function Data model group (default order: photo album, camera, attachments).
 * @param   conversationType            The current Conversation type: single chat, group chat, chat room.
- (NSMutableArray<EaseExtendMenuModel *> *)inputBarExtMenuItemArray:(NSMutableArray<EaseExtendMenuModel*>*)defaultInputBarItems conversationType:(AgoraChatConversationType)conversationType;
 * Input area Keyboard input change callback example: @ group member
 * @brief Input area Keyboard input change callback example: @ group member
- (BOOL)textViewShouldChangeTextInRange:(NSRange)range replacementText:(NSString *)text;


 * In one-to-one chat, the other party is typing.
- (void)peerTyping;


 * In one-to-one chat, the other party is typing.
- (void)peerEndTyping;
默认消息 cell 长按回调
 * The extended area data model group for the current specific message
 * @param   defaultLongPressItems       The default long press extended area function Data model group (default: copy, delete, recall).
 * @param   message                     The current long-press message.
- (NSMutableArray<EaseExtendMenuModel *> *)messageLongPressExtMenuItemArray:(NSMutableArray<EaseExtendMenuModel*>*)defaultLongPressItems message:(AgoraChatMessage*)message;
自定义 cell 长按回调

用户自定义消息 cell 长按事件回调。

 * The extension data model group of the current custom cell.
 * @param   defaultLongPressItems       The default long - press extended area functional data model group.    (The default values are copy, delete, and recall (the sending time is less than 2 minutes).)
 * @param   customCell                  The current long - pressed custom cell.
- (NSMutableArray<EaseExtendMenuModel *> *)customCellLongPressExtMenuItemArray:(NSMutableArray<EaseExtendMenuModel*>*)defaultLongPressItems customCell:(UITableViewCell*)customCell;


实例化 EaseConversationsViewController 之后,可选择实现 EaseConversationsViewControllerDelegate 协议(会话列表回调代理),接收 EaseConversationsViewController 的回调并做进一步的自定义实现。



通过实现会话列表回调获取自定义消息 cell。

如果返回 nil 会显示默认;如果返回 cell 则会显示用户自定义 cell。

 *@brief  Customize the conversation cell.
 *@discussion  Returns nil to display the default cell, otherwise display user-defined cell.
 *@param  tableView  The current Message view tableView.
 *@param  indexPath  The currently display the indexpath of the cell
 *@result Returns the customized cell.
- (EaseConversationCell *)easeTableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
会话列表 cell 选中回调
 *@brief     The conversation list cell Select callback.
 *@param     tableView        The current Message view tableView.
 *@param     indexPath        The currently display the indexpath of the cell.
- (void)easeTableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
//会话列表 cell 选中回调示例(AgoraChatIM APP 有效):
- (void)easeTableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    EaseConversationCell *cell = (EaseConversationCell*)[tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
    ACDChatViewController *chatViewController = [[ACDChatViewController alloc] initWithConversationId:cell.model.easeId conversationType:cell.model.type];
    chatViewController.navTitle = cell.model.showName;
    chatViewController.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES;
    [self.navigationController pushViewController:chatViewController animated:YES];
 @brief          The Conversation list User Profile callback.
 @discussion       The user profile data set can be returned based on conversationId or Type.
 @param   conversationId    The conversation ID.
 @param   type              The conversation Type.
- (id<EaseUserProfile>)easeUserProfileAtConversationId:(NSString *)conversationId
//会话列表用户资料回调示例(AgoraChatIM APP 有效)。

- (id<EaseUserProfile>)easeUserProfileAtConversationId:(NSString *)conversationId conversationType:(AgoraChatConversationType)type
    AgoraChatConvUserDataModel *userData = nil;
    if(type == AgoraChatConversationTypeChat) {
        AgoraChatUserInfo* userInfo = [[UserInfoStore sharedInstance] getUserInfoById:conversationId];
        if(userInfo) {
            userData = [[AgoraChatConvUserDataModel alloc]initWithUserInfo:userInfo conversationType:type];
            [[UserInfoStore sharedInstance] fetchUserInfosFromServer:@[conversationId]];
    return userData;
会话列表 cell 侧滑项回调
 *@brief     会话列表 cell 侧滑项回调。
 *@param     tableView     当前消息视图的 tableView。
 *@param     indexPath     当前所要侧滑 cell 的 indexPath。
 *@param     actions       返回侧滑项集合。
- (NSArray<UIContextualAction *> *)easeTableView:(UITableView *)tableView
      trailingSwipeActionsForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
                                    actions:(NSArray<UIContextualAction *> *)actions;
会话列表 cell 侧滑状态回调
- (void)easeTableView:(UITableView *)tableView willBeginEditingRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;

- (void)easeTableView:(UITableView *)tableView didEndEditingRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;


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