Need to publish poll on your pimcore powered website? I think you just found a ready-made solution :)
Just like other Pimcore plugins:
- download plugin by composer or use Extension Manager
- navigate to
Extras -> Extensions
in admin panel - enable & install plugin
- reload admin interface
If everything went smoothly you will find Poll
options in Extras
After you created and published a poll you can place it on website using snippet:
- Create new Poll snippet:
- Place snippet definition in page view script
- Go back to admin panel and drag & drop snippet into desired document
- Thats it!
- Date range in which the poll is published
- Single (radio) or multi (checkbox) answers
- Polls reports as pie charts
- One vote per 24h limit (cookie based)
You can find some screenshots here
- Current version allows to publish single poll at a time. I have plan to extend plugin with placeholder snippet that will allow you to choose one of the active polls.
- 2015-02-21 1.0.2 composer.json, publish on Packagist, compatibility with pimcore >= 2.3.0
- 2011-12-27 1.0.1 Added poll visits counter
- 2011-12-24 1.0.0 First release