TBD: To be done
TBT: To be tested
A very simple blinker using instruction counting to generate delay.
The same as the previous one, but using symbols. Delay is, as before, generated by instruction counting.
The same as the previous one, but using macros to manipulate bits and bitfields. Delay is still generated by instruction counting.
Using a GPIO HAL to blink LEDS. Delay is still generated by instruction counting.
The GPIO HAL is implementated in separated files, one for the implementation (gpio.c) and another for the interface (gpio.h) Delay is still generated by instruction counting.
Blinking using a time interrupt.
Using a HAL to control LEDS, without GPIO HAL.
Modifying the blinking frequency using the joystick. Joystick interface is a pooled one.
Modifying the blinking frequency using the joystick. Joystick interface is a pooled one. But the center point is read too.
Modifying the blinking frequency using the joystick. Joystick interface is a interrupt based one.
Using a state machine, time interrupts, joystick to control blinking.
The same as before but using predefined symbols in manufacturer header file.
Interface routines to Joystick.
UART interface using polling.
UART interface with interrupts.
Implementing Newlib, by emulating a POSIX interface.
Using a time triggered executive as found in Pattern on Time Triggered Embedded System of Michael Pont.
Using a better version of executive as found in Engineering Reliable Embedded System.
Using Protothreads as in Protothreads
Using the Rios as in RIOS
Using the SST as in Build a Super Simple Tasker
Testing the watchdog.
Blink LEDs with FreeRTOS.
Blink LEDs with ucos2.
Blink LEDs with ucos3.
Driving the LCD.
Using the internal temperature sensor to get and show temperature.