An interactive platform for posting and solving riddles. Created with React, MongoDB, Express and Node.js.
- Clone or download the repo.
- In your command line, run
npm install
thennpm start
in both the client and server folders. - If it doesn't automatically open, navigate to
in your browser
- Click Register to create an account
- Click Login to login using the above username and password.
- To submit a new riddle, type it into the form and press Submit.
- Press the like and comment buttons on each post to interact.
- Delete your posts or comments with the red delete button.
- Switch to dark or light mode by pressing Switch theme in the menubar.
- React
- Apollo
- GraphQL
- MongoDB and Mongoose
- Node.js
- Started by wireframing the pages in Figma
- Wrote pseudo code to break down the logic of collecting user input, collecting and sending information to/from the database, linking to the server and assigning functionality to buttons.
- Created a database with a user model and a posts model.
- Compartmentalised client functionality into separate components for clarity.
- Implementing login authentication
- Differentiating between logged in/out state
- Accessing the cache to view submitted posts instantly
- Email or on-site notifications
- User profiles
- Gamification (scores, a leaderboard with friends)