checkpw is a program that checks the validity of a users password on a UNIX/PAM-based system.
Currently only tested on Linux, but it should work on the AIX, DragonFly BSD, FreeBSD, HP-UX, Linux, macOS, NetBSD and Solaris operating system too.
I needed a program to verify passwords of users on Linux based systems using PAM.
Exactly a program like this... not more!
WARNING: Install this software with care. checkpw could easily be used for bruteforcing passwords from local users!
git clone
cd checkpw
sudo make install
The code only supports verifying passwords for user id 1000 by default. Look a the code for some compile time options!
Set MAX_UID and MIN_UID in the code or you can compile checkpw without editing the code using the following command and install it manually:
gcc -Wall -DMAX_UID=1000 -DMIN_UID=1000 -o checkpw checkpw.c -lpam -lpam_misc
sudo cp ./checkpw /usr/bin/
sudo make uninstall
checkpw -h
Usage: checkpw [-u <username>] [-p <password>] [-i] [-v] [-h]
-u <username> Specify username.
-p <password> Specify password.
-i Enable interactive mode to prompt for missing username/password.
-v Enable verbose mode.
-V Show program version.
-h Show this help.
Returns 0 on success, 1 otherwise.
checkpw -i
checkpw -u hanez -i
checkpw -u hanez -p password
echo $?