The Personalized Diabetes Decision Tool is a web application built with Flask that helps users choose suitable apps to manage their diabetes based on their preferences. It takes into account factors like social network integration, gamification, and other personalization aspects. This tool was developed as part of an iBSc dissertation at Imperial Business School and received a distinction.
The application uses a decision tree algorithm to recommend the most suitable app based on user preferences. It takes inputs such as category, network integration, goals, gamification, positivity, and scientific features to provide personalized recommendations.
Visit the website (currently down).
Fill out the preferences form, providing information about your preferences and priorities.
Click the "Submit" button to receive a personalized app recommendation.
You will be redirected to the recommended app's website or download page.
- Flask (Python)
- Decision tree algorithm
Clone this repository to your local machine.
Install the required dependencies by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the flask application
flask run