I no longer use Puppet actively and this software has not been maintained for some time.
Puppet module to set entries in /etc/security/limits.conf
The recommended usage is to place the configuration under a limits hash in hiera and just include the limits module in your puppet configuration:
include limits
Example hiera config:
soft: '2048'
hard: '8192'
soft: '20'
hard: '20'
soft: '4068'
hard: '8192'
hard: '50'
This example creates the following entries in /etc/security/limits.conf:
* nofile soft 2048
* nofile hard 8192
myuser nofile soft 4068
myuser nofile hard 8192
* nproc soft 20
* nproc hard 20
@mygroup nproc hard 50
replacing any existing items in the same domain.
You can also call it as a parameterised class passing in the configuration data as a hash - for example:
class { 'limits':
config => {
'*' => {
'nofile' => {
soft => '2048',
hard => '8192',
'nproc' => {
soft => '20',
hard => '20',
'@mygroup' => {
'nproc' => {
hard => '50',
use_hiera => false,
Each entry title is the domain name - for example '*' for all users, '@wheel' for members of the wheel group, 'root' for the root user etc.
For each domain there is one or more items: one of: 'core', 'data', 'fsize', 'memlock', 'nofile', 'rss', 'stack', 'cpu', 'nproc', 'as', 'maxlogins', 'maxsyslogins', 'priority', 'locks', 'sigpending', 'msqqueue', 'nice', 'rtprio'.
For each item the following parameters are accepted:
soft: the item's soft limit. Optional.
hard: the item's hard limit. Optional.
See the limits.conf(5) man page for more information.
Implementation based on https://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/puppet/wiki/Puppet_Augeas