- create a database "db" in postgres
- start the api server
- launch index.html - frontEnd
javadoc *
- I am truly sorry but i used spring 3.0.1 which does not support OpenAPI documentation
Simple reservation system for coaches and their trainees. A coach can set his operating hours and pick a place, a trainee can book coaches offered term.
- User(trainee) can place a request for a trraining in a selected time frame. On the server side a decision is needed oo be made and therefore it selects an available coach in the specific time frame, assign them and block out the time in their calendar, furthermore after a succescfull assignment, credits will be deducted from trainees credit account and assigned the coach after the supposed training.
- Creation of coaches new operating time segment(registered trainings).
- Booking a training with a coach.
- Both coach and trainee can delete a planned training.
- Coach can alter his cost rate.
Trainees will eventually want to compare their skills to others, therefore a matchamaking based on their user profiles - that get a skill rating from coach after training, the server will pick them a formidable foe to slay on the court of their favourite sport. The server implements a system that helps the Users agree on a viable time and place of their match via a series of querries such as, "When do you have some spare time?".
- multiple trainees can attend a single training