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NetFlow3D is a computational tool aiming at mapping how somatic mutations act across multiple scales in cancer. If you find NetFlow3D helpful, please cite You can also upload your data to our web server ( and run NetFlow3D there.

Environment details

  • Python: 3.9.10
  • Linux Distribution: Rocky Linux 9.0 (Blue Onyx)


The Python Standard Library and the following packages:

  • scipy (version 1.9.3)
  • numpy (version 1.23.5)
  • networkx (version 2.8.8)
  • pandas (version 1.5.2)

Installation (~5min)

git clone
cd NetFlow3D

Run unit tests (~1.5min)



To see the available options and usage information, please run:

python -h

To run NetFlow3D, your command should be in the following format (the contents in [] are optional):

python -m <input_maf> -I <job_name> [-X <expressed_genes>] [-n <binary_interactome>] [-o <output_path>] [-t <threads>]

Required arguments

  • -m <input_maf>: replace <input_maf> with the path to your MAF file.
  • -I <job_name>: replace <job_name> with a name you preferred for the current job.

Optional arguments

  • -X <expressed_genes>: replace <expressed_genes> with the path to your file which stores a complete list of expressed genes/proteins (see Optional input for how to generate the file). If not specified, all genes/proteins will be considered expressed.
  • -n <binary_interactome>: replace <binary_interactome> with the path to your file which stores a complete list of existing protein-protein interactions (see Optional input for how to generate the file). If not specified, NetFlow3D will use the high quality binary interactome of Homo sapiens curated by HINT (
  • -o <output_path>: replace <output_path> with a directory where the output files will be stored. If not specified, the output files will be stored in ./output/.
  • -t <threads>: replace <threads> with a postive integer. This argument specifies the number of threads to use. If not specified, NetFlow3D will use 5 threads.

We provide example input files in ./example/input/. Here is an example of your command (please run the following command to see if NetFlow3D is working properly, taking ~1min):

python -m example/input/mutations.maf -I test -X example/input/expressed_genes.txt

If you run the above command, the output should be found in ./output/, including test_signatures.txt, test_subnetworks.txt, and a folder test/. To get an idea of what the output files should look like, please see example output files in ./example/output/.

Prepare input files

Required input

  • A Mutation Annotation Format (MAF) file (

    Required columns:

    • Chromosome
    • Start_Position
    • Reference_Allele
    • Tumor_Seq_Allele2
    • Variant_Classification
    • ENSP
    • Transcript_ID
    • Gene
    • Protein_position
    • Tumor_Sample_Barcode
    Other columns can also be present in the MAF file but they will not be used.

Optional input

  • A text file containing a complete list of genes/transcripts expressed in the contexts where the mutations occur. One ID per line. Ensembl gene ID and Ensembl transcript ID are accepted. Example:


  • A text file containing a complete list of protein-protein interactions existing in the contexts where the mutations occur. One interaction per line. Protein IDs should be separated by tab. Only UniProt ID is accepted. Example:

    Q9H4A3 Q9HBL0
    Q15654 Q15797
    P63279 Q13643
    O43236 O43236
    P01112 P04049

Output files

NetFlow3D will output the following and files and a folder. {job_name} will be replaced by the job name you specified before. If you run the example command, {job_name} will be replaced by test.

  • {job_name}_signatures.txt

    This a tab-separated file containing the significant 3D clusters and LOF enrichment signals identified by NetFlow3D. The first line is a header. Eight columns are present:

    1. Signature_ID

    2. Type

    3. Uniprots

    4. Canonical_isoform

    5. Structure_source ([NA] means not applicable)

    6. Mutation_frequency

      The content format in this column depends on the content in "Type":

      • If the content in "Type" is “LoF_IntraProtein_Enriched”, the format of this column is {UniProt ID}:{number of LoF mutations in all samples}
      • Otherwise, the format of this column is {residue1}:{number of mutated samples},{residue2}:{number of mutated samples},...
    7. LoF_enrichment ([NA] means not applicable)

    8. Raw_pvalue

    9. Adjusted_pvalue

  • {job_name}_subnetworks.txt

    This is a tab-separated file containing the interconnected modules identified by NetFlow3D. Two columns are present:

    1. Subnetwork_UniProts
    2. Subnetwork_size (i.e. number of proteins in the interconnected module)
  • {job_name}/

    This is a folder containing intermediate files:

    1. Input_parameters.txt: Records the input parameters.
    2. Expr_uniprots.txt: Contains UniProt IDs of expressed genes.
    3. Per_residue_info.txt: Summarizes mutation information for each residue.
    4. mutrate.txt: Includes background model parameters.
    5. All_intra_LoF_pvalue.txt: Includes results of LOF enrichment analysis.
    6. PDB_graph, AlphaFold2_graph_pLDDT0: Includes residue-residue contact maps.
    7. PIONEER_inter_pvalue.txt, PDB_intra_pvalue.txt, PDB_inter_pvalue.txt, AlphaFold2_intra_pvalue_pLDDT0.txt: Includes results of 3D cluster clustering analysis.
    8. initial_state.graphml.gz: Input to the network propagation model of NetFlow3D.
    9. choose_delta.txt: δ's from randomized input
    10. final_state.graphml.gz: Output from the network propagation model of NetFlow3D.

The Human Protein Structurome

The Human Protein Structurome consists of two parts:

Part 1: residue-residue contact map derived from 3D protein structures

  • ./graph/PDB_intra/ Each file in this folder (file name format: {UniProtID}.graphml.gz) stores a residue-residue interaction network derived from PDB structures ( Each network is represented by a graph, where the nodes are the amino acid residues in this protein covered by at least one PDB chain. An edge exists if the minimal intra-chain distance between two residues among all available PDB chains is smaller than 10 angstrom (the distance between two residues in a specific PDB chain is defined as the distance between their closest atoms in that chain). Each node does not have an attribute. Each edge has two attributes: "distance" (unit: angstrom) and "source" (the residues in the PDB chain where the value in "distance" is obtained, format: UniProtResidue1:PDBResidue1;UniProtResidue2:PDBResidue2).

  • ./graph/PDB_inter/ Each file in this folder (file name format: {UniProtID}.graphml.gz) stores a residue-residue interaction network derived from PDB structures. These networks represent interactions between residues located in different PDB chains. Each network is represented by a graph, where:

    1. One end of an edge represents a residue in the protein identified by the UniProtID.
    2. The other end of the edge represents a residue either from the same protein or another protein, but it must be from a different PDB chain.

    An edge exists if the minimal inter-chain distance between the two residues, across all available PDB structures, is less than 10 angstroms.

  • ./graph/AF2_pLDDT0/ Each file in this folder (file name format: {UniProtID}.graphml.gz) stores a residue-residue interaction network derived from the structures in AlphaFold DB ( The way of generating the files in this part is the same as that of generating the files in ./graph/PDB_intra/. All residues in the AlphaFold DB structures are involved when generating this folder regardless of model confidence.

Part 2: protein-protein interaction interfaces generated by PIONEER

  • ./metadata/HomoSapiens_interfaces_PIONEER_veryhigh.txt This tab-separated file contains protein-protein interaction interface residues generated by PIONEER with a confidence level of ‘very high’ (Download link:

The Human Protein Structurome is also available for download from our web server at