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3D ViralHuman Interactome Web Server

Source code for the Django Web Server, data is not included. To build and run the web server, v2h_binary_list_with_ires_iseq_category_seq_20231012.txt, v2h_binary_ppi_info_complete_20230814.txt, and v2h_bincocomp_with_coverage.csv are necessary in the folder static/downloads/interface/. To show the structures, docked structures and single structures are necessary in the folders static/docked_models/ and static/single_models/, respectively. To support download, docked_models.tar.gz and single_models.tar.gz are necessary in the folder static/downloads/. The running server site is

Build and run servers:

  1. With docker-compose or docker compose command
    • Setup docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile (also with .env and requirements.txt, see these file under BASEDIR)
    • Build images. Go to BASEDIR, run
      • docker-compose build (or docker compose build if docker-compose does not exist)
    • Run containers. After building the image, run
      • docker-compose up (or docker compose up). Use -d to run the container in the background
  2. With docker and manually link the web server and database server (if both docker-compose and docker compose do not work)
    • Build web image
      • docker build -t vh3d .
    • Create an image and container for the database (if port 5432 is not available, change the first 5432 to another one and change .env accordingly)
      • docker run -d --name db -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e TZ=UTC -p 5432:5432 postgres
    • Run web container with the link to database container (8888 is the host port, 8020 is the internal port)
      • docker run -t -d --name web --link [database_container_id]:db -v $BASEDIR:$BASEDIR -p 8888:8020 -e DJANGO_DB_HOST=db -e DJANGO_DB_PORT=5432 -e DJANGO_DB_NAME=postgres -e DJANGO_DB_USER=postgres -e DJANGO_DB_PASSWORD=postgres [web_image_id]


  1. Make migrations after running the containers
    • Log in to the server bash shell:
      • `docker exec -it [web_container_id] bash
    • Make migrations:
      • python makemigrations
      • python migrate
  2. Update database (inside the server bash)
    • python update_Protein
    • python update_SingleModel
    • python update_DockedModel
    • python update_Interface
    • python update_InterfaceSimilarity

Access the webserver:

  1. Locally (development):
    • [server ip]:[host port] (for example, if I run the containers on the server with address, then the address of the webserver is
  2. Publicly (production):
    • Make sure the webserver is running smoothly on your server
    • Contact the server owner/technician to set up the proxy to the public domain


Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions.