A GPU cluster schedule simulator with an error generator.
- You need python3 with numpy module in Linux OS.
- Clone the code to <your_path/Simulator>.
cd <your_path/Simulator>
python3 Simulater.py
Then you can get an output looks like output.out.
- The original running data in <output.out> is a dictionary to record original data of all jobs running information.
- Each job information is a list including start_time(int), end_time(int), and stop_reason(str).
- So that you can count any metric you want with finish_dict original data.
DLTsim contains 6 basic parts, which are custom workloas, custom cluster enviroment, custom scheduler, predictor, error generator, and original data generator.
Besides, one optional part in DLTsim is metric generator. The structure of DLTsim is shown as following:
Fig.1 DLTsim Struture
Each part in Fig.1 corresponds to the source code as follows:
- Custom Workload: worload.csv
- Custom Scheduler: scheduler.py
- Custom Cluster Environment: Env.json
- Predictor: The first return value of function gpu_limit_time() in utilis.py
- Error Generator: Function gen_error() in utilis.py
- Original Data Generator: Function run_jobs() in utilis.py
- Metric Generator: Function gen_metric() in utilis.py
├── Env.json
├── flow\ chart
│ ├── flow.pdf
│ ├── flow.png
│ └── flow.pos
├── output.out
├── __pycache__
│ ├── scheduler.cpython-36.pyc
│ └── utilis.cpython-36.pyc
├── scheduler.py
├── Simulator.py
├── utilis.py
└── workload.csv
- Env.json: The json file to config envionmental variables of cluster system.
- flow chart: The folder to save flow chart of the program.
- output.out: A sample of the output of the demo.
- scheduler.py: Class of schedule policy.
- Simulator: Entrance of the DLTsim program.
- utilis.py: Function definitions and implementations.
- workload.csv: All the jobs will be sent into GPU cluster.
Env.json records custom cluster environment. There are 7 parameters in Env.json that you need to configure. The details as follows:
- GPU_num_per_host: An int type is needed to represents the number GPUs that each host has.
- Host_num: An int type is needed to represents the number of hosts in the cluster.
- High_error_card: An int type is needed to represents the number of high error rate GPUs in the cluster.
- High_error_rate: A float type is needed to represents the error rate of high error rate GPUs.
- Low_error_card: An int type is needed to represents the number of low error rate GPUs in the cluster.
- Low_error_rate: A float type is needed to represents the error rate of low error rate GPUs.
- Max_err_num: An int type is needed to represents the max error times generated by error generator for each GPU.
workload.csv records custom workloads.
The first line of workload.csv is fixed. You need to modify from the 2nd line.
Each line represents a workload with 8 parameters in that you need to edit. The details as follows:
- job_ID: The sign of the job that can be a combination of letters and numbers. Note that the job_ID cannot be repeated, otherwise an error will be reported during the initialization process.
- submit_time: The submission time of the job. It must be an integer. The default unit is second. Note that the submit time of the first job must be ZERO.
- running_time: The running time required for a job to execute under ideal conditions without any interruption. It must be an integer. The default unit is second.
- GPU_num: The number of GPUs required for the job.It must be an integer.
- restart: The number of job restarts. It must be an integer. The default value is 0.
- preempt_times: The number of times the job was preempted. It must be an integer. The default value is 0.
- err_times: The number of times the job was interrupted due to GPU resource errors. It must be an integer. The default value is 0.
- score: The score of the job as well as the priority of the job. The higher the score, the higher the priority. It can be an integer or a floating point number.
Please refer to sec.4.2.
- workflow/workload/workloads(not case sensitive):
The unsubmitted job information.
A nested dict (dict1{dict2}):
workloads[job_id] = dict2{}
The content ofworkloads[job_id]
is a row of workload_file represents one job's information.
The keys of dict2 is the first line in workload_file. - wait_q:
The interrupted job information due to recourse error or preemption.
A nested dict (dict1{dict2}):
wait_q[job_id] = dict2{}
Normally, the content ofwait_q[job_id]
is copy from workflow(above variate). - job_info:
One job information deep copy from wait_q or workflow. So thatjob_info
is a dict recording job_id, submit_time, running_time, restart, and so on.
Usage example:job_info["running_time"]
- finish_dict:
To record job running information(starting time point, stopping time point, gpu_id, message), a.k.a., running original data. The nested dict of list (dict{[]}).
The keys of the dict is job ID.
is a nested list. e.g.,[[201, 323, [1, 4, 0, 2, 3], 'err'], [925, 1003, [0, 4, 3, 2, 1], 'None']]
So thattimes = len(finish_dict[job_id])
represents job's running times, a.k.a., the number of interruptions plus one. - err/err_dict(not case sensitive):
To record cluster error information. A dict.err[gpu_id] = list([list1],[list2])
Use gpu_id as a key to index error time of the gpu.
The value of err_dict is a nested list, where the first list vik. list1 represents error start time, and the list2 represents error duration respectively.
e.g.,err_dict: {1: [[324, 459], [180, 90]], 2: [36],[179]}
The default scheduler policy(demo_scheduler) has been writen into scheduler.py.
Five method is necessary in scheduler class, which are init_workflow, order, place, restart, and preempt.
The simple example of above 5 method implementation has been given in scheduler policy.
The aim of init_workflow method is to initializing job ID list. Normally, init_workflow has no need to override, just inherit from demo_scheduler.
Assign a value to the score of each job including wait_q job and workload job.
The given score represents the priority of the job. The higher the score, the higher the priority.
If the job's score in wait_q
is equal to job's in workload
, then the job in wait_q
has the higher priority.
Function has no need to return values, just modify wait_q
and workload
dictionary directly.
Placement policy implementation: give the resource allocation (GPU IDs) for a certain job.
The input job_info
is a dict passed from workload[job_id]
or wait_q[job_id]
Returns a gpu list which represents locational gpu ID(s). Note that gpu ID count from 0 and no host information.
Determine whether the job needs to be restarted.
Return a bool type. True represents restart, otherwise False means DO NOT restart.
By the way, if you want to consider restart cost(default cost is zero), you can add it here by adding "running_time".
For example, if the cost of each restart is 30s without any restart policy, then the implementation is as follows:
def restart(job_id, wait_or_workload, wait_q, workload):
if wait_or_workload == 'wait':
wait_q[job_id]["running_time"] += 30
elif wait_or_workload == 'workload':
workload[job_id]["running_time"] += 30
raise ValueError("Job: %s's wait_or_workload != 'wait' or 'workload'." % job_id)
return False
Determine whether high-scoring jobs can preempt low-scoring jobs.
Return a bool type. True represents low-scoring job can be preempted, otherwise False means no preemption.
Metric generator is an optinal module as mentioned in 2.1 DLTsim Structure.
The function of metric generator is that generate specific metric(s) using original data(finish_dict mentioned in 3.0) and custom workload(workload.csv).
If you need to analysis any metric, you can modify the gen_metric function in utilis.py.
The original data generator is implemented in the run_job()
function of utilis.py.
If you need to modify Original Data Generator, it will help to refer to DLTsim-run_jobs.pdf.
However, only Chinese flow chart has been offered. If you need English version, you can submit an issue, then we may add English one.
The error generator is implemented in the gen_error()
function of utilis.py.
- GPU_num: The number of GPUs that can be used by the scheduler.
- High_err_num: The number of GPUs with relatively higher error rate. Must be less than the total GPU number.
- High_err_rate: The error rate of GPUs with relatively higher error rate. Must be less than 1.
- Low_err_num: The number of GPUs with relatively lower error rate. Must be less than the total GPU number.
- Low_err_rate: The error rate of GPUs with relatively lower error rate. Recommended to be smaller than High_err_rate. Must be less than 1.
- Workload: The jobs which are not yet submitted to the scheduler.
- job_list: The list of all jobs to be scheduled.
- recover_time: The expected time cost for a GPU to recover from an error. Must be an integer.
- scale: The scale of time to reach the error rate. Smaller scale means higher error frequency, vice versa.
- the output: The time period when GPUs are dealing with errors.
The result is presented in the form of a dictionary whose keys are ids of GPUs which may encounter errors. For each key, the value is a list. The first element of the list is a list containing the time points when errors occur on the corresponding GPU. The second element is a list containing the time cost for recovery from each error.
The function new_gen_error aims on generating errors in a regular pattern.
Errors arise at each time point for each GPU card at a certain probability,
so that the total probability at which a GPU card encounters an error in scale
time points equals to the error rate of the corresponding GPU card,
namely High_err_rate
or Low_err_rate
This implies that for a certain GPU card, the length of time between two errors subjects to exponential distribution.
The function used this fact to efficiently gain the time points when errors arise, avoiding the high cost checking each time point for each GPU card.
Besides, the time cost of recovery for each error is determined by function new_gen_time_period and its input refValue
The function is currently the identity function for its simplicity.
If a more delicate model for recovery time is required, this function can always be verified.