- Make sure you have the following:
- Google App Engine SDK for Python
- Node.js, pip, virtualenv
- macOS or Linux or Windows
- If needed, refer to the GAE-init docs on how to install the requirements.
Clone this repo
Make sure Gulp is installed within your project:
$ cd /path/to/hd-kiosk-v2
$ npm install gulp
- If you want to install Gulp globally (recommended):
$ npm install -g gulp
- Ensure that you are using the latest version of Node.js (and npm) within your project:
$ node -v
$ npm -v
Compare the output to the latest versions listed here.
- Run the Development Environment:
$ cd /path/to/hd-kiosk-v2
$ npm install
$ gulp
Test the site by visiting http://localhost:3000
in your browser.
- Note that on Windows you may have to try running gulp multiple times.
- Deploying on Google App Engine:
$ gulp deploy --project=hackerdojo-kiosk-hrd
Check out the GAE-init Slack channel if you run into problems:
gae-init is the easiest boilerplate to kick start new applications on Google App Engine using Python, Flask, RESTful, Bootstrap and tons of other cool features.
Read the documentation, where you can find a complete feature list, a detailed tutorial, the how to section and more..
The latest version is always accessible from https://gae-init.appspot.com
Make sure you have all of the above or refer to the docs on how to install the requirements.
$ cd /path/to/project-name
$ gulp
To test it visit http://localhost:3000
in your browser.
For a complete list of commands:
$ gulp help
$ cd /path/to/project-name
$ npm install
$ gulp
If something goes wrong you can always do:
$ gulp reset
$ npm install
$ gulp
To install Gulp as a global package:
$ npm install -g gulp
$ gulp deploy
$ gulp deploy --project=foo
$ gulp deploy --project=foo --version=bar
$ gulp deploy --project=foo --version=bar --no-promote
- Google App Engine, NDB
- Jinja2, Flask, Flask-RESTful, Flask-WTF
- CoffeeScript, Less
- Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Social Buttons
- jQuery, Moment.js
- OpenID sign in (Google, Facebook, Twitter and more)
- Python 2.7, pip, virtualenv
- Gulp, Bower