A attempt to write down the protocol of the eQ3 / ELV MAX! Heating system
This protocol is implemented in various opensource projects.
- Openhab http://openhab.org
- FHEM http://fhem.de
Various other implementations:
- Javascript decoding https://github.com/ivesdebruycker/maxcube
- Python https://github.com/aleszoulek/maxcube
- MQTT connection https://github.com/leachj/mqtt-maxcube
- CS https://github.com/bietiekay/hacs/tree/master/tools/MAXDebug
- Arduino https://github.com/autopower/thermeq3
- C https://github.com/KnuthLohse/MAXCPP
- NodeJS https://github.com/georg90/max-control
Currently the following messages are described
If you want to contribute, pull requests are welcome!