Author: Anna DeVries
Date: 3 August 2021
Purpose: for code review
make exec - compiles and runs program
make clean - cleans workspace, removes executables and .o files
- main() – This function displays the menu or welcome screen to perform different banking activities mentioned below.
- new_acc() – This function creates a new customer account. It asks for some personal details of the customer and allows the user to choose the type of bank account they would like to create – savings or checking.
- view list() – With this function, the user can view their banking information.
- edit() – This function allows the user to update their personal address and phone number.
- transact() – With this function, the user can deposit and withdraw money to and from their personal account.
- erase() – This function is for deleting a customer account.
- Writing to and from a file
- FTP single server/client
- Multiple clients and one server
Valgrind is your friend: valgrind --leak-check=full ./BankService
Security and memory management matter.