Python script to track your PLEX media library progress with public API.
To install the the script run the following:
git clone <URL>
cd trakt-plex-tracker
pip install -r requirements.txt
Visit and create a new application.
You will get the following API keys:
- Client ID
- Client Secret
Note it down.
The configuration file is located at the "/" of the script
Modify the following lines in the configuration file:
client_id = <CLIENT_ID>
client_secret = <CLIENT_SECRET>
database_location = <PATH-TO>/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
# language codes examples > de, fr, it, es and so on.. (
# script default language is "en"
library_language = en
Now you are ready to run the script.
To run the script enter the following command:
After the script run successfully start a simple webserver at the following location:
cd ./frontend/
python3 -m http.server
Open the browser and go to: