CosmicNvim is a lightweight and opinionated Neovim config for web development, specifically designed to provide a π« COSMIC programming experience!
Full featured native LSP functionality!
- π Go-to definition
- π Find references/type def/declaration
- π‘ Code actions
- π¨ Statusline diagnostics
- π§ Formatting/linting thanks to null-ls
- Aesthetically pleasing UI via Cosmic-UI
- Amazing default theme thanks to tokyonight.nvim
- Enhanced syntax highlighting with nvim-treesitter
- Dashboard via dashboard-nvim
- Hand-built statusline with galaxyline
- Explore files with nvim-tree
- Fuzzy finder and some LSP actions with Telescope
- Floating terminal with vim-floaterm
- Auto LSP installation with nvim-lsp-installer
- Autocompletion provided by nvim-cmp
- Additional TypeScript support with nvim-lsp-ts-utils
- Snippet support via LuaSnip
- Session management with auto-session
- Notifications via nvim-notify
- Additional custom highlighting
- Floating windows for references, renaming, diagnostics, code actions and more!
While CosmicNvim is geared specifically toward TypeScript/JavaScript development, it should be able to provide a great experience with any LSP supported language.
- Neovim (+0.7.0)
- Node.js
- prettierd (for prettier formatting w/null_ls, optional)
- eslint_d (for eslint w/null_ls, optional)
$ cd ~/.config
$ git clone [email protected]:CosmicNvim/CosmicNvim.git nvim
$ nvim .
Additional CosmicNvim installation details.
Additional LSP server installation details.
CosmicNvim uninstallation details.
CosmicNvim comes with first-class support for the following themes:
By default, this will assume the Cosmic git directory is placed at vim.fn.stdpath('config')
, i.e. ~/.config/nvim
. Otherwise, you may define the shell environment variable COSMICNVIM_INSTALL_DIR
Useful for changing themes or updating plugins on the fly!
Useful for non-plugin related changes such as editor settings or mappings.