def plot_metrics_sparse(G, ground_truth, sparseFunctions, k_values, AlgoFunction, flag, networkName = None, AlgoName = None):
G (nx.Graph): Original Graph
ground_truth (dictionary): dictionary mapping nodes to communities
sparseFunctions (list): list of tuples containing the name and the function to generate the sparse graph
k_values (list): list of values for the percentage of edges to retain
AlgoFunction (function): Community Detection Algorithm
flag (int): 0 if the output of the algorithm is a dictionary, 1 if the output is a list of communities
networkName (str, optional): Name of Network to go in the Title of the Plots. Defaults to None.
AlgoName (str, optional): Algorithm Name to go in the Title of the Plots. Defaults to None.
list: List of Sparse Graphs (nx.Graph)
ari_values = [[0] * len(k_values) for _ in sparseFunctions]
modularity_values = [[0] * len(k_values) for _ in sparseFunctions]
nmi_values = [[0] * len(k_values) for _ in sparseFunctions]
names = [name for name, _ in sparseFunctions]
SparseGraphs = [[0] * len(k_values) for _ in sparseFunctions]
for idx, (_, function) in enumerate(sparseFunctions):
for i, k in enumerate(k_values):
H = function(G, k)
predicted = AlgoFunction(H)
if (flag == 1):
predicted = get_community_dict(predicted)
ari, nmi = metrics(ground_truth, predicted)
modularity_values[idx][i] = modularity(H, get_communities(predicted))
ari_values[idx][i] = ari
nmi_values[idx][i] = nmi
SparseGraphs[idx][i] = H
plt.figure(figsize = (12, 8))
plt.xticks(range(len(k_values)), [f"{100 * k}%" for k in k_values])
for idx in range(len(sparseFunctions)):
plt.plot(ari_values[idx], label = names[idx], marker = "o")
for i, txt in enumerate(ari_values[idx]):
plt.annotate(f"{txt:.4f}", (i, ari_values[idx][i]))
plt.xlabel("Percentage Retention of Edges")
plt.title(f"ARI for {AlgoName} vs k for {networkName}")
plt.figure(figsize = (12, 8))
plt.xticks(range(len(k_values)), [f"{100 * k}%" for k in k_values])
for idx in range(len(sparseFunctions)):
plt.plot(nmi_values[idx], label = names[idx], marker = "o")
for i, txt in enumerate(nmi_values[idx]):
plt.annotate(f"{txt:.4f}", (i, nmi_values[idx][i]))
plt.xlabel("Percentage Retention of Edges")
plt.title(f"NMI for {AlgoName} vs k for {networkName}")
plt.figure(figsize = (12, 8))
plt.xticks(range(len(k_values)), [f"{100 * k}%" for k in k_values])
for idx in range(len(sparseFunctions)):
plt.plot(modularity_values[idx], label = names[idx], marker = "o")
for i, txt in enumerate(modularity_values[idx]):
plt.annotate(f"{txt:.4f}", (i, modularity_values[idx][i]))
plt.axhline(y = modularity(G, get_communities(ground_truth)), color = "black", linestyle = "--", label = "Original Graph")
plt.xlabel("Percentage Retention of Edges")
plt.title(f"Modularity for {AlgoName} vs k for {networkName}")
return SparseGraphs
Zachary's Karate Club Dataset Analysis
Modularity - Justin Ruth
Community Detection - IITM NPTEL
Although not needed - Introduction to GNN