ProofMode Android 0.0.13-RC-3
c3a7ca5 (HEAD -> private_artwork) Merge branch 'master' into private_artwork
2877a36 (tag: 0.0.13-RC-3, master) update app to 0.0.13-RC-3
6824482 (tag: library-0.7) update library to 0.7
eb2186a (origin/master) for #64, make sure we are online before notarizing
908c2fe modifications for #63 to address permission issues with location and cellular info - for now, if showLocation is false, we will also not get cellular info - GPSTracker is init is now moved after the showLocation check - otherwise, we leave permission checking up to the app itself, and not part of the library
bab0f10 (tag: 0.0.13-RC-2) update app to 0.0.13-RC-2
669b9c3 (tag: library-0.6) update library to 0.6
069cafc update path handling to work with hashes
01405ff add Android Q property to allow system access
7cffc54 update app to 0.0.13-RC-1
5b461dc (tag: library-0.0.5) udpate libproofmode file to 0.0.5
49297d2 final changes for moving to URI/InputStream instead of File args
dbb0dc4 change notarization to use inputstream instead of file
8e9bcbe fixes #65 updating the key type for PGP
553d757 change hash function to use stream instead of file
f705da0 (tag: library-0.4) update full app to AndroidX
0170ee4 remove java-opentimestamps fork; now using source library via gradle updated to
828a27c update library to 0.4 - move to AndroidX - switch to com.eternitywall:java-opentimestamps:1.17 for #39 - update to SafetyNet v17 for #66
b6662e0 update library to 0.0.4
0e7b2c4 turn lint abort off
5b27efe update libproofmode XML configuration
e06e4d3 update library manifest to include permissions
20b98e9 update library to v28
4ee3b1b update travis config
960552c update travis
71da1af Merge branch 'master' into private_artwork