2dd99b1 (HEAD -> main, tag: 2.5.0-BETA-2) update to 2.5.0-BETA-2
2d51419 (origin/main, gh/main) add support for custom naming of the proof zip file
458dfeb ensure there is no null URI
6298367 update to latest simple-c2pa 0.0.15
c48d92a (tag: 2.5.0-BETA-1) update to 2.5.0-BETA-1
e5926df Merge branch 'main' of gitlab.com:guardianproject/proofmode/proofmode-android
1edd248 fixes for photos and video capture to fix duplicate display and other improvements
99c530b Merge branch 'carlosm2-main-patch-81949' into 'main'
578b6c2 (tag: 2.4.0-RC-2) update release to 2.4.0-RC-2
ae9c847 fix video camera issues with thumbnail generation
51b1ae2 fix small issues with intent broadcast and error logging