My dot files
Some dot files useful for me. Be free to use them.
I have installed zsh and oh-my-zsh.
Vim stuff:
- Color schemes: badwolf, molokai, dracula
- Language syntax: Scala, Go
- Go development plugin for Vim: vim-go
- Vim Plugin Manager: vim-plug
vim -c "PlugInstall" -c "qa"
I highly recommend to install oh-my-zsh first.
git clone [email protected]:gsantovena/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
This will create symlinks in your $HOME to the files listed in the variable 'files' within the script.
Other considerations:
- I use neocomplete.vim for completion. You will need Vim 7.3.885+ compiled with lua to use it.
- Another plugin I've started to use is majutsushi/tagbar. This plugin will need
installed. - To have the cool themes for Vim and Oh-My-Zsh, you will need to install powerline/fonts.
- aws
- brew
- brew-cask
- command-not-found
brew tap homebrew/command-not-found
- docker
- docker-compose
- git
- github
brew install hub
- gitignore
- go
- knife
- knife_ssh
- mvn
- mosh
- nmap
- osx
- pyenv
- ssh-agent
- taskwarrior
brew install task
brew install taskd
brew install tasksh
- terraform
- thefuck
- vagrant
- vault
- virtualenv
- web-search
- z
Lately, I have been using Atom a lot, hence I have installed some packages. And to save which ones I use and restore them in a easy way, I have just added a file listing them.
I found two ways to backup and restore the atom packages:
Starring the packages and to restore them: apm starred --install
Backup: apm list --installed --bare > atom-packages.list
Restore: apm install --packages-file atom-packages.list
- Paul's dotfiles
- Mathias's dotfiles
- Nicolas Gallagher's dotfiles
- Zsh
- oh-my-zsh
- Mac CLI
- m-cli
- Writing in Vim
- mthesaur.txt
Also check the Plug section in the vimrc file for other requirements to have all Vim plugins working.