A Spring MVC application, which can easily be deployed to Heroku.
This application was created following the Getting Started with Java on Heroku article - check it out.
You will find in this Maven project:
- Integration with the Web Framework Spring MVC.
- Configurations done through Java config and annotations.
- Integration with Thymeleaf templates.
- Security and authentication with Spring Security.
Make sure you have Java 8 and Maven installed. Also, install the Heroku Toolbelt.
$ git clone https://github.com/gsag/spring-mvc-heroku.git
$ cd spring-mvc-heroku
$ ./run.sh
Your app should now be running on localhost:9090.
Ensure you have a local PostgreSQL instance installed for development tests.
Database configurations can be changed at resources/database.properties.
$ heroku create spring-app-name
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku open
Besides, you can configure automatic deploys by using a Github repository branch. See the Github Integration article.
For more information about using Java on Heroku, see these Dev Center articles: