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RingCentral SDK for Ruby

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Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. Documentation
  3. Installation
  4. Usage
  5. Synopsis
  6. API Requests 1. Generic HTTP Requests 2. SMS and MMS Examples 3. Fax Examples
  7. Advanced Use Cases
  8. Supported Ruby Versions
  9. Releases
  10. Versioning
  11. Change Log
  12. Links
  13. Contributions
  14. License


A Ruby SDK for the RingCentral REST API.


Full documentation and resources are available at:

  1. Ruby SDK Developer Guide - Read the Docs
  2. Ruby SDK Reference Guide -

For API information, see the official RingCentral resources:

  1. API Developer and Reference Guide
  2. API Explorer
  3. CTI Tutorial


Via Bundler

Add 'ringcentral_sdk' to Gemfile and then run bundle:

$ echo "gem 'ringcentral_sdk'" >> Gemfile
$ bundle

Via RubyGems

$ gem install ringcentral_sdk



require 'ringcentral_sdk'

client = do |config|
  # App info (mandatory)
  config.client_id = 'myAppClientID'
  config.client_secret = 'myAppClientSecret'
  config.server_url = RingCentralSdk::RC_SERVER_SANDBOX

  # JWT Bearer Grant (optional)
  config.jwt = 'myJwt'

  # Set a custom logger (optional)
  config.logger =

  # Enable HTTP retries for 429, 503, and 504 errors
  # Set custom codes and retry after using retry_options
  config.retry = true

# Send SMS
res = client.messages.sms.create(
  from: '+16505551212',
  to: '+14155551212',
  text: 'Hi there!'

More information on the authorization code flow:

  1. Full documentation
  2. Sinatra example

API Requests

API requests can be made via the included Faraday client or RingCentralSdk::Helpers::Request subclasses. These are described below.

Generic HTTP Requests

To make generic API requests, use included Faraday client which can be accessed via client.http. The client automatically adds the correct access token to the HTTP request and handles OAuth token refresh using the OAuth gem.

This is useful to access many API endpoints which do not have custom wrappers and for debugging purposes.

http = client.http

SMS and MMS Examples


  from: '+16505551212',
  to: '+14155551212',
  text: 'Hi there!'

MMS with media file:

  from: '+16505551212',
  to: '+14155551212',
  text: 'Hi there!',
  media: '/filepath/to/file.ext'

Fax Examples

Fax files:

  to: '+14155551212',
  coverPageText: 'Hi there!',
  files: ['/path/to/myfile.pdf']

Fax text:

  to: '+14155551212',
  coverPageText: 'Hi there!',
  text: 'Hi there!'

Subscription Example

To make subscriptions with RingCentral, use the SDK object to create subscription Observer object and then add observers to it.

# Create an observer object
class MyObserver
  def update(message)
    puts 'Subscription Message Received'
    puts JSON.dump(message)

# Create an observable subscription and add your observer
sub = client.create_subscription

# Subscribe to an arbitrary number of event filters
sub.subscribe ['/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/presence']

# End the subscription


See examples in the scripts folder.

A simple read only script is account-extensions.rb which can be used to validate your app configuration.

Advanced Use Cases

  1. Subscribing to All Extensions
  2. Managing Call Queue Member Status

Supported Ruby Versions

This library is tested against this list of Ruby implementations.


Releases with release notes are availabe on GitHub releases. Release notes include a high level description of the release as well as lists of non-breaking and breaking changes.


  • Versions 1.0.0 and above follow semantic versioning. Breaking changes will be indicated by a change in major version.
  • Versions below 1.0.0 are in active development. During initial development (Version 0.x.x), minor version changes will indicate either substantial feature inclusion or breaking changes.

Change Log



Project Repo

RingCentral API Docs

RingCentral API Explorer

RingCentral Official SDKs


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


To build local development copy of the gem use:

% gem build ringcentral_sdk.gemspec

This will produce a file like: ringcentral_sdk-3.1.0.gem which you can install with:

% gem install ringcentral_sdk-3.1.0.gem


RingCentral SDK is available under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

RingCentral SDK © 2015-2024 by John Wang