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Translation: Grist/client
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xabirequejo authored and weblate committed Oct 7, 2024
1 parent a5c9a49 commit d91e737
Showing 1 changed file with 79 additions and 15 deletions.
94 changes: 79 additions & 15 deletions static/locales/eu.client.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
"Sign Out": "Amaitu saioa",
"Sign in": "Hasi saioa",
"Switch Accounts": "Aldatu kontua",
"Support Grist": "Babestu Grist",
"Support Grist": "Eman babesa Grist-i",
"Sign In": "Hasi saioa",
"Sign Up": "Eman izena",
"Use This Template": "Txantiloi hau erabili",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,7 +148,8 @@
"Cut": "Ebaki",
"Paste": "Itsatsi",
"Clear cell": "Garbitu gelaxka",
"Filter by this value": "Iragazi balio honen arabera"
"Filter by this value": "Iragazi balio honen arabera",
"Copy with headers": "Kopiatu goiburuekin"
"ColorSelect": {
"Apply": "Aplikatu",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,7 +198,10 @@
"Developer:": "Garatzailea:",
"Last updated:": "Azkenekoz eguneratua:",
"Missing description and author information.": "Ez dago deskribapen ezta egilearen informaziorik ere.",
"Reject": "Baztertu"
"Reject": "Baztertu",
"Custom URL": "URL pertsonalizatua",
"Widget": "Widgeta"
"DataTables": {
"Click to copy": "Egin klik kopiatzeko",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,7 +267,10 @@
"You are on the {{siteName}} site. You also have access to the following sites:": "{{siteName}} gunean zaude. Honako gune hauetara ere sar zaitezke:",
"You are on your personal site. You also have access to the following sites:": "Zure leku pertsonalean zaude. Honako gune hauetara ere sar zaitezke:",
"You may delete a workspace forever once it has no documents in it.": "Lan-eremu bat betiko ezabatzeko ezin du barruan dokumenturik izan.",
"Create my first document": "Sortu nire lehen dokumentua"
"Create my first document": "Sortu nire lehen dokumentua",
"Any documents created in this site will appear here.": "Gune honetan sortutako dokumentuak hemen agertuko dira.",
"personal site": "gune pertsonala",
"You have read-only access to this site. Currently there are no documents.": "Soilik irakurtzeko sarbidea duzu gune honetan. Unean ez dago dokumenturik."
"DocPageModel": {
"Add Empty Table": "Gehitu taula hutsa",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -852,7 +859,9 @@
"You are signed in as {{email}}. You can sign in with a different account, or ask an administrator for access.": "{{email}} gisa hasi duzu saioa. Beste kontu batekin hasi dezakezu saioa, edo administratzaile bati sarbidea eskatu.",
"Build your own form": "Sortu zure formularioa",
"Powered by": "Honi esker:",
"Account deleted{{suffix}}": "Kontua ezabatu da{{suffix}}"
"Account deleted{{suffix}}": "Kontua ezabatu da{{suffix}}",
"Failed to log in.{{separator}}Please try again or contact support.": "Saioaren hasierak huts egin du.{{separator}}Saiatu berriro edo jarri harremanetan laguntza eskatzeko.",
"Sign-in failed{{suffix}}": "Saioaren hasierak huts egin du{{suffix}}"
"menus": {
"Select fields": "Hautatu eremuak",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1091,7 +1100,14 @@
"Select the table to link to.": "Hautatu lotu beharreko taula.",
"Use the 𝚺 icon to create summary (or pivot) tables, for totals or subtotals.": "Erabili 𝚺 ikonoa laburpen-taulak edo taula dinamikoak sortzeko, guztizkoetarako edo guztizko partzialetarako.",
"Can't find the right columns? Click 'Change Widget' to select the table with events data.": "Ez dituzu zutabe egokiak aurkitzen? Egin klik \"Aldatu widgeta\"-n gertaeren datuak dituen taula hautatzeko.",
"Clicking {{EyeHideIcon}} in each cell hides the field from this view without deleting it.": "Gelaxka bakoitzeko {{EyeHideIcon}}-en klik eginez gero, eremua ikuspegi honetatik ezkutatuko da ezabatu gabe."
"Clicking {{EyeHideIcon}} in each cell hides the field from this view without deleting it.": "Gelaxka bakoitzeko {{EyeHideIcon}}-en klik eginez gero, eremua ikuspegi honetatik ezkutatuko da ezabatu gabe.",
"Creates a reverse column in target table that can be edited from either end.": "Helburuko taulan bi muturretatik editatu daitekeen alderantzizko zutabe bat sortzen du.",
"To allow multiple assignments, change the type of the Reference column to Reference List.": "Esleipen bat baino gehiago baimentzeko, aldatu erreferentzia-zutabearen mota Erreferentzia zerrendara.",
"This limitation occurs when one end of a two-way reference is configured as a single Reference.": "Muga hau bi noranzkoko erreferentzia bateko muturretako bat erreferentzia bakar gisa konfiguratuta dagoenean ematen da.",
"Community widgets are created and maintained by Grist community members.": "Komunitatearen widgetak Gristen komunitateko kideek sortzen eta mantentzen dituztenak dira.",
"To allow multiple assignments, change the referenced column's type to Reference List.": "Esleipen bat baino gehiago baimentzeko, aldatu erreferentzia-zutabearen mota Erreferentzia zerrendara.",
"This limitation occurs when one column in a two-way reference has the Reference type.": "Muga hau bi noranzkoko erreferentzia bateko zutabetako bat erreferentzia mota gisa konfiguratuta dagoenean ematen da.",
"Two-way references are not currently supported for Formula or Trigger Formula columns": "Bi noranzkoko erreferentziak ez dira unean bateragarriak Formula edo formula-abiarazle zutabeekin."
"ColumnTitle": {
"Column ID copied to clipboard": "Zutabearen IDa arbelera kopiatu da",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1291,7 +1307,7 @@
"UserManager": {
"Add {{member}} to your team": "Gehitu {{member}} zure taldean",
"Allow anyone with the link to open.": "Utzi esteka duen edonori irekitzen.",
"Allow anyone with the link to open.": "Baimendu esteka duen edonori irekitzea.",
"Confirm": "Baieztatu",
"Copy Link": "Kopiatu esteka",
"Guest": "Gonbidatua",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1338,11 +1354,11 @@
"Help Center": "Laguntza Gunea",
"Opt in to Telemetry": "Bidali telemetria",
"Support Grist": "Eman babesa Grist-i",
"Support Grist page": "Eman babesa Grist-en orriari",
"Support Grist page": "Grist-en laguntza orria",
"Opted In": "Izena emanda",
"Close": "Itxi",
"Contribute": "Hartu parte",
"Thank you! Your trust and support is greatly appreciated. Opt out any time from the {{link}} in the user menu.": "Mila esker! Zure konfiantza eta babesa oso estimatua da. Edozein unetan bidaltzeari utzi diezaiokezu erabiltzailearen menuko {{link}}tik.",
"Thank you! Your trust and support is greatly appreciated. Opt out any time from the {{link}} in the user menu.": "Mila esker! Zure konfiantza eta babesa oso estimatuak dira. Edozein unetan bidaltzeari utzi diezaiokezu erabiltzailearen menuko {{link}}tik.",
"Admin Panel": "Administratzailearen mahaigaina"
"SupportGristPage": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1658,7 +1674,8 @@
"3 minute video tour": "3 minutuko bideo-bisitaldia",
"Complete our basics tutorial": "Burutu oinarrizko tutoriala",
"Complete the tutorial": "Burutu tutoriala",
"Learn the basic of reference columns, linked widgets, column types, & cards.": "Ikasi erreferentzia-zutabeen, lotutako widgeten, zutabe-moten eta txartelen oinarriak."
"Learn the basic of reference columns, linked widgets, column types, & cards.": "Ikasi erreferentzia-zutabeen, lotutako widgeten, zutabe-moten eta txartelen oinarriak.",
"Learn the basics of reference columns, linked widgets, column types, & cards.": "Ikasi erreferentzia-zutabeen, lotutako widgeten, zutabe moten, eta txartelen oinarriak."
"OnboardingPage": {
"Go hands-on with the Grist Basics tutorial": "Murgildu Gristen oinarrizko tutorialean",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1701,28 +1718,75 @@
"Add Widget": "Gehitu widgeta",
"(Missing info)": "(Informaziorik gabe)",
"Grist Widget": "Grist widgeta",
"No matching widgets": "Ez dago bat datorren widgetik"
"No matching widgets": "Ez dago bat datorren widgetik",
"Add a widget from outside this gallery.": "Gehitu galeria honetatik kanpoko widgetak.",
"Choose Custom Widget": "Aukeratu widget pertsonalizatua",
"Community Widget": "Komunitatearen widgetak",
"Custom URL": "URL pertsonalizatua",
"Learn more about Custom Widgets": "Ikasi gehiago widget pertsonalizatuei buruz"
"HomeIntroCards": {
"Help center": "Laguntza gunea",
"Learn more {{webinarsLinks}}": "Ikasi gehiago {{webinarsLinks}}",
"Start a new document": "Hasi dokuemntu berria",
"Templates": "Txantiloiak",
"Blank document": "Dokumentu zuria",
"Import file": "Inportatu fitxategia"
"Import file": "Inportatu fitxategia",
"3 minute video tour": "3 minutuko bideo-bisitaldia",
"Finish our basics tutorial": "Amaitu oinarrizko tutoriala",
"Tutorial": "Tutoriala",
"Webinars": "Web-mintegiak",
"Find solutions and explore more resources {{helpCenterLink}}": "Ikusi adibideak eta arakatu baliabide gehiago {{helpCenterLink}}"
"ReverseReferenceConfig": {
"Delete": "Ezabatu",
"Table": "Taula",
"Target table": "Helmugako taula",
"Delete column {{column}} in table {{table}}?": "{{table}} taulako {{column}} zutabea ezabatu nahi duzu?",
"Column": "Zutabea"
"Column": "Zutabea",
"Add two-way reference": "Gehitu bi noranzkoko erreferentzia",
"Two-way Reference": "Bi noranzkoko erreferentzia",
"Delete two-way reference?": "Bi noranzkoko erreferentzia ezabatu?",
"It is the reverse of the reference column {{column}} in table {{table}}.": "{{table}} taulako {{column}} zutabearen alderantzizko erreferentzia da."
"SupportGristButton": {
"Close": "Itxi",
"Help Center": "Laguntza gunea"
"Help Center": "Laguntza gunea",
"Admin Panel": "Administratzailearen mahaigaina",
"Support Grist": "Eman babesa Grist-i",
"Opted In": "Telemetria bidaltzen da",
"Thank you! Your trust and support is greatly appreciated. Opt out any time from the {{link}} in the user menu.": "Mila esker! Zure konfiantza eta babesa oso estimatuak dira. Edozein unetan bidaltzeari utzi diezaiokezu erabiltzailearen menuko {{link}}tik.",
"Opt in to Telemetry": "Bidali telemetria"
"buildReassignModal": {
"Cancel": "Utzi"
"Cancel": "Utzi",
"Each {{targetTable}} record may only be assigned to a single {{sourceTable}} record.": "{{targetTable}} erregistro bakoitzari {{sourceTable}} erregistro bakarra esleitu dakioke.",
"Reassign to {{sourceTable}} record {{sourceName}}.": "Berresleitu {{sourceTable}}(e)ko {{sourceName}} erregistroari.",
"Record already assigned_one": "Erregistroa esleituta dago lehendik ere",
"Record already assigned_other": "Erregistroa esleituta dago lehendik ere",
"Reassign": "Berresleitu",
"Reassign to new {{sourceTable}} records.": "Berresleitu {{sourceTable}}(e)ko erregistro berri bati.",
"{{targetTable}} record {{targetName}} is already assigned to {{sourceTable}} record {{oldSourceName}}.": "{{targetTable}}(e)ko {{targetName}} erregistroa lehendik dago {{sourceTable}}(e)ko {{oldSourceName}} erregistroari esleituta."
"AdminPanelName": {
"Admin Panel": "Administratzailearen mahaigaina"
"markdown": {
"# New Markdown Function\n *\n * We can _write_ [the usual Markdown](https:": {
"": {
" *inside*\n * a Grainjs element.": "# Markdown funtzio berria\n *\n * Grainjs elementu baten *barruan*\n * [ohiko Markdown sintaxia]( _idatz_ dezakegu."
"The toggle is **off**": "Ezaugarria **desaktibatuta** dago",
"The toggle is **on**": "Ezaugarria **aktibatuta** dago"
"markdown.d": {
"# New Markdown Function\n *\n * We can _write_ [the usual Markdown](https:": {
"": {
" *inside*\n * a Grainjs element.": "# Markdown funtzio berria\n *\n * Grainjs elementu baten *barruan*\n * [ohiko Markdown sintaxia]( _idatz_ dezakegu."
"The toggle is **off**": "Ezaugarria **desaktibatuta** dago",
"The toggle is **on**": "Ezaugarria **aktibatuta** dago"

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