Before you begin, ensure you have the following tools installed:
- Node (>= v18.17)
- Yarn (v1 or v2+)
$ scarb --version
scarb 2.8.0
cairo: 2.8.0
sierra: 1.6.0
$ universal-sierra-compiler --version
universal-sierra-compiler 2.2.0
Add the Scarb plugin:
asdf plugin add scarb
Install the specific version (e.g., 2.8.0):
asdf install scarb 2.8.0
Set the global version:
asdf global scarb 2.8.0
Alternatively, you can install Scarb using the following command:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -v 2.8.0
npm run test
For a detailed API reference, please see the file.
OpenMark Contracts for Cairo is released under the MIT License.