ADAGEpath provides necessary functions to perform ADAGE-based signature analysis.
ADAGE (or eADAGE) models are neural networks trained in an unsupervised manner on large publicly available gene expression compendia. ADAGE aims at building essential features that can reconstruct a compendium. We derived gene expression signatures from ADAGE neural network nodes and found that these signatures resemble human-annotated biological pathways and cover many existing pathways [1,2]. In addition to signatures that match known pathways, ADAGE also extracts signatures that may group genes in novel data-driven ways.
Please refer to the following papers if you want to learn more about ADAGE:
- ADAGE-Based Integration of Publicly Available Pseudomonas aeruginosa Gene Expression Data with Denoising Autoencoders Illuminates Microbe-Host Interactions
- Unsupervised extraction of functional gene expression signatures in the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa with eADAGE
ADAGEpath currently supports one organism Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The package
is preloaded with a P.a. expression compendium (PAcompendium
and its probe
quantile distribution probedistribution
) and an eADAGE
model (eADAGEmodel
) trained on the compendium. The package is also preloaded
with P.a. gene (geneinfo
and PAO1orthologs
) and operon (operons
Signatures are gene sets derived from an ADAGE model. They are formed because their genes are expressed coordinately in some samples in the compendium. An ADAGE signature analysis aims to identify signatures in which the expression of constituent genes are altered by an experimental treatment. Such signatures may represent biological processes that are perturbed by the treatment. ADAGE signature analysis usually includes the following steps:
ADAGEpath currently supports raw microarray data in CEL format and processed
microarray or RNAseq data. Use function load_dataset()
to load your own
dataset or datasets publicly available in ArrayExpress.
Since ADAGE only accepts expression values in the (0,1) range, we linearly
transform expression values to be between 0 and 1 using the function
We next calculate each signature's activity for each sample in the dataset
with the function calculate_activity()
We next identify signatures whose activities strongly vary with treatments,
such as signatures whose activities are significantly different in conditions
of interest. We recommend using
to test differential activation, particularly when sample size is small.
To facilitate the most frequent two-group comparison,
we wrapped a two-group limma test into the function build_limma()
. You can
visualize the limma two-group test results using plot_volcano()
and get
active signatures from the limma test result using get_active_signatures()
We also provide examples of analyzing time-course experiments or factorial-design
experiments using limma in the vignettes.
You can also use other statistical tests to identify active signatures.
generates a heatmap showing how signature activity
changes across samples.
To be robust to noise, ADAGE models would sometimes construct signatures that
have overlapping genes. We can check whether the active signatures identified above
overlap with others using plot_signature_overlap()
. If there is a group of
signatures that largely overlap, to reduce the number of signatures to look at,
we can calculate the marginal activity of each signature using
, which is the remaining
activity of a signature after removing overlapping genes of another signature.
We can visualize whether a signature is still strongly active after the impact
of another signature has been removed using plot_marginal_activation()
. Examples
of signature overlap examination are in vignettes ArrayExpress-example and
Finally, to get a detailed view of a signature or a group of signatures,
we can retrieve their constituent genes using annotate_genes_in_signatures()
and visualize these genes through a
gene-gene network using visualize_gene_network()
. We can also download
existing KEGG pathways using fetch_geneset()
and associate
signatures to known KEGG pathways using annotate_signatures_with_genesets()
The package comes with 5 vignettes introducing how ADAGE signature analysis can be performed for different types of datasets.
ArrayExpress-example: provides an example of loading in a dataset available on ArrayExpress and performing a complete ADAGE signature analysis workflow on a experimental design with two phenotype groups.
User-input-example: provides an example of loading in a local dataset and performing a complete ADAGE signature analysis workflow on a experimental design with two phenotype groups.
RNAseq-example: provides an example of loading in a processed RNAseq dataset available on ArrayExpress.
Factorial-design-example: provides an example of detecting differentially active signatures with limma for an experiment with factorial design. Such design typically has two treatment factors and measurements at four treatment combinations.
Time-course-example: provides an example of analyzing experiments with complex experimental design. The first part looks at signatures that show the largest activity ranges across samples. The second part builds a limma model to detect signatures with differential temporal patterns between treatment and control.
You can install the latest development version from github with
If you want to build the vignettes, run
devtools::install_github("greenelab/ADAGEpath", build_vignettes = TRUE)
You can also install it via BioInstaller
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
For earlier verisons of R ( < 3.5), instead use
make: gfortran-4.8: No such file or directory.
depends on the Bioconductor packageimpute
that requires gfortrain-4.8. Installgfortrain-4.8
to solve this problem. You can follow instructions here to installgfortran-4.8
on Mac -
Error validating server certificate for ''
Please follow this thread to accept the certificate r-lib/devtools#1401
package not availableYou can install it via
source("") biocLite("BiocInstaller")