A tool to enumerate, list and monitor USB devices connected to a Linux host.
- Print a list of connected devices with USB path, properties and speed
- Monitor udev events such as connect or disconnect and print them with a timestamp
- Collectd plugin mode
requires libudev-dev
usbmon [-n][-c]
-n do not monitor events
-c collectd exec plugin mode
Usbmon can operate as collectd exec plugin.
Add a new type to /usr/share/collectd/types.db
usb_devices connected:GAUGE:0:U, adds:COUNTER:U:U, removes:COUNTER:U:U
Create exec plugin config file, /etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d/usbmon.conf
LoadPlugin Exec
<Plugin exec>
Exec "nobody" "/var/lib/collectd/plugins/usbmon" "-c"
Install usbmon in the plugins directory and restart collectd.
Apache 2.0
This is not an official Google product.