Shows how to bind arguments to a POCO object.
Includes two "forks", not just one. RootCommand with 2 Commands is the technical explanation.
Open up .sln
Set this to startup project
Working examples.
example one
MyCompany.MyExamples.SystemCommandLineOne.ConsoleOne.exe mytypeone -a valuea -b valueb -c valuec -d valued -e valuee -f valuef -g valueg -h valueh -i valuei
example two
MyCompany.MyExamples.SystemCommandLineOne.ConsoleOne.exe showdatetime --includedate false --dateformat "MM/dd/yyyy" --includetime
You can also change these in VS developer mode.
Go to properties of (same) csproj, and the "Debug" tab.
Application Arguments currently set to :
mytypeone -a valuea -b valueb -c valuec -d valued -e valuee -f valuef -g valueg -h valueh -i valuei
showdatetime --includedate false --dateformat "MM/dd/yyyy" --includetime