Release Information
Update Notes
Recommended plugin versions
If you are upgrading from Grails 2.4.0 and you use the hibernate4 plugin, you will need to update the version in BuildConfig
runtime ':hibernate4:' // or ':hibernate:'
recommended tomcat, asset-pipeline and scaffolding plugin versions for Grails 2.4.x :
build ':tomcat:7.0.54'
compile ':scaffolding:2.1.1'
compile ':asset-pipeline:1.8.11'
HibernateTestMixin is now available
There are more details about HibernateTestMixin in What's new in Grails 2.4 Guide guide and the updated guide about unit testing domains. There is now real Hibernate GORM available in unit tests when HibernateTestMixin is used. It's backed by Hibernate 4 and an in-memory H2 database.
Support for Maven-style Dependency Management
It is now possible to declare a management
block which is equivalent to the dependencyManagement
element in a pom.xml
file. This allows you to enforce versions, scopes and exclusions for dependencies. Example
management {
dependency "commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1.3"