A series of one-page LaTeX-generated document summarizing the derivation and application geochronologic equations:
As a geochronologist, I always find myself momentarily flummoxed when asked how you get from something that looks like Hold on, let me do all of this math from scratch again to try to make sense of it.
There are some textbooks out there that do a pretty good job, but the math is often scattered across pages with additional information that is useful, but extraneous to my immediate needs. And this is just for a generic equation. What about derivations specific to certain decay systems?
Hence, a most ambitious and reckless project to collapse context, derivation, and application of radiometric decay equations into single page primers.
Hope this helps you as much as it has helped us,
Graham & Jannitta
P.S. Feel free/welcome/encouraged to share, adapt, and use this resource as you like!