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Alexander I.Grafov edited this page Sep 23, 2016 · 2 revisions


  • Value - logged object converted to a string.
  • Key - identifies the logged value through records, it may be treated as the label for the logged value. Its look depends on the output format, for example some formats may display only values without their keys.
  • Pair - a key-value pair.
  • Log record or just record - set of key-value pairs flushed to a writer at once on a Log() call.
  • Filter - all records filtered before they passed to a sink. Filters may use keys, standalone values or ranges of values.
  • Sink - records passed to the sink after filtering. Each sink has it's own io.Writer and format of output.
  • Formatter - is a way to set how log output will look. For example Logfmt or JSON are samples of formatters.
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