My name is Rodrigo Cericatto and I'm an Android Developer certified by Google through the Android Developer Nanodegree program. I also have been an Instructor since 2013.
I have 13 years of experience in Android Development.
I have a Problem Solving (Basic) Certificate of Hackerrank, and I worked in several projects in my career like Rock Dial, Face Magazine (as employee), Capstone Teleprompter, HSM (as employee), Tastely (as employee), Em Quem NÃO Votar Curitiba and Alo Ingressos (as employee).
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Udacity as a Code Reviewer since July 2016. I am also working as Android Instructor for Elaborata Informática.
- 💬 Ask me about Native Android Development, with Kotlin and Java.
- 📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn and Gmail.
- Here is my Google Developer account.