This is a simple docker-compose app to run an Orthanc dicom server. Orthanc is meant to emulate a production dicom PACS which supports dicomweb.
Download docker for your operating system.
Install docker-compose for your operating system.
Git clone this repo with
git clone
Change into the root of this repo and run
docker-compose up
Navigate to
and upload your dicom data via the Orthanc UI.
- Get the StudyUUID metadata from all the studies with the following linux command line. This will produce a file called
in the directory the command is run.
docker run -i --network host --rm curlimages/curl -k http://localhost:3337/tools/find \
-d '{"Level" : "Study", "Expand":true, "Query":{"PatientID" : "*"}}' |
docker run --rm -i imega/jq \
-r '.[].MainDicomTags.StudyInstanceUID' > studies.csv