String Art With AI is a modified version of grvlbit's string-art generator with the goal of using reinforcement learning to train a model for creating string art.
This project has been inspired by the magnificant works of Petros Vrellis.
The idea is to crop a picture to a given shape (e.g. circle) and then place a number of nails evenly spaced around that. Then based on a random nail the algorithm starts calculating the best route (that is the route with the highest darkness) to the next nail. This procedure is continued until a maximum number of iterations is reached or the simulated picture matches the input.
To run the project, we recommend using the devcontainer.
To open the project in the devcontainer in vscode, use ctrl + shift + p
to access the available commands and select reopen in devcontainer
This is a relatively naive implementation. The problem scales with the number of nails, iterations as well as the resolution of the input.
- Use cropped images roughly 300x300px
- Works best with pictures with high contrast
- Works best on portraits