Converts a hand written mathematical expressions into Latex code.
Introduction to Machine Learning(CS771A) Course project. Team: Aravind, Gowtham, Abhishek, Harsha, Karthik
Kaggle Dataset:
python cnn train image
python cnn predict file
python 1 # (will generate
python cnn train image
python cnn predict file
python test/1
Test accuracy for multiple batch sizes and num_epochs:
use setting batch_epoch to required value
run as python
check accuracy vs epochs plot for each if needed
Data Pruning: 10 images of each class -> trained cnn and tested for extracted images(kaggle dataset) and increased each character from 10 to 28 again 28 images for training the classifier and obtain new data
CNN Algorithm:
keras->optimizers->SGD for optimization
keras for CNN
Layer 1 -> POOL Layer -> ReLU activation
Layer 2 -> POOL Layer -> ReLU activation
Layer 3 -> POOL Layer -> ReLU activation
Layer 4 -> Fully Connected -> ReLU activation
finally softmax for linear classification(look at
Hyper Parameters:
Batch Size for SGD
Number of epochs for SGD
GD parameters-lr,decay,momentum,nesterov??
CNN model descripton is saved to model.png
cd digitRecognition
python3 kjhgfds.jpg
- When the image pops up, click 'Shift' button on the keyboard, output can be seen in the terminal
cd src
python cnn train image
- In general, people use sliding window techniques for finding the labels
- Write a mathematical expression in the sketchpad and save the image
- Feed the image python3 kjhgfds.jpg for the latex expression
- Finding Contours
- Using cv2.findContours, we obtain the contours (fresh_countours.png)
- We ignore the boxes with more than 60% of the area overlapping with other boxes (c108sigma_eliminate_inside_contours.png)
- This is the final image (c108sigma_contours_final.png)
- Processing the boxes
- Crop the boxes using PIL.Image's crop function and get rectangular images out of the boxes (_ppt17.png)
- If height < width, will add (width-height)/2 on left and right sides of the image, which will then gives a squared image of (Height x Height)-(_sqrd17.png) and then use cv2.resize() to convert into 45x45 image(_small.png) - matplotlib import pyplot as plt for saving the image
- We apply skeletonize() from skimage.morphology, for thinning the image - (output_17.png)
- Finding the Labels
- Call the classifier and get the label with the highest probability
- !,i,= -> these symbols have 2 parts, for these we have increased the height of the contour by 25% above and below, and then process the image again using the above techniques, and then classify the new boxes
- Locating the labels in the original image
- Have a look at this example(beta_only.png), when we traverse through the boxes, sorted along the X-coordinate, a new character can assume many positions like superscript, subscript, on the same level,..
- To handle this, we have considered characters to be nodes, with top, bottom, next, and parent attributes
- And we recursively look for the level in which new character is going to be present
- For this (beta_only.png) as input, we get this
$ \sigma_{p}\beta_{3}^{k^{1}_{2}} $
expression as output