Stepso6 is a video game based on StepMania, developed using the LUA programming language and the Löve2D framework. This game was created in January 2019, during my first year of studying programming and is designed for use on displays with a minimum resolution of 1280x720 and a 16:9 aspect ratio.
To play Stepso6, you will need to install the LÖVE framework. You can download the latest version of LÖVE from the official website at
Once you have installed LÖVE, you can download or clone this repository.
To play Stepso6, simply navigate to the directory where the game files are located in your terminal or command prompt and run the following command:
love main.lua
This will launch the game using the Löve2D framework.
You can navigate through the interface using the mouse, and select a song with the left and right keys a song by clicking on it. During gameplay, you can use the arrow keys to match the current note. The game can be paused at any time by pressing the Escape key. You can also toggle fullscreen, change the volume and the difficulty in the settings menu.
This game is released under the MIT License, with the exception of any non-free and non-original assets that may be included, such as songs and pictures. Please note that the use of such assets without permission may result in legal consequences. By using this game, you acknowledge that you are responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses or permissions for non-free and non-original assets.
Please note that I do not own the rights to these assets and cannot grant permission for their use. It is your responsibility to obtain the necessary permissions or licenses for the use of these assets.
Feel free to use, modify, and distribute the game code as you see fit, in accordance with the terms of the MIT License.