Project Layout: The project is made up of three django apps: authorization, trucker, and shipper.
authorization contains everything related to the registering and logging in and out of users.
trucker contains everything that has to do with the trucker side
How to clone and run:
pull from github
create .env file in src directory
- add SECRET_KEY=[insert secret key here]
- add DEBUG=on
Create and activate virtual environment
- go into project directory
- to create:
- Mac: 'python3 -m venv venv'
- Windows: 'py -m venv venv'
- to activate:
- Mac: 'source venv/bin/activate'
- Windows: '.\venv\Scripts\activate'
- download packages:
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- note on Mac: may get an error trying to install mysqlclient. If this error persists, delete the line in requirements.txt that says 'mysqlclient==1.4.6'
Run Server
- move into 'src' folder
- type into command line:
- Mac: 'python runserver'
- Windows: 'py runserver'
- copy and paste http address returned from command line into browser
Now that the local server is up and running, these are the current working urls:
/accounts/login /register /shipper /trucker