This distribution contains the source code for the experiments presented in the following research publication:
Xiao Ling and Daniel S. Weld (2012). "Fine-Grained Entity Recognition", in Proceedings OF THE TWENTY-SIXTH AAAI CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AAAI), 2012.
One can test the trained model on the evaluation data or new data as they wish.
Download Model and save it at the root directory.
To run the experiments in the AAAI-12 paper, you can proceed as follows:
$ ./ "aaai/exp.conf" &> aaai/exp.log
To make predictions on new test data, change the fields testFile
in the file config/figer.conf
to your desired files. Note
that testFile
MUST take a file with .txt extension. Then run:
$ ./ "config/figer.conf" &> figer.log
The training data train.tar.gz
is serialized in Protocol Buffer. Please see entity.proto
in the code package for the definitions.
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