From 2008 to 2015 Pablo Gómez-Abajo was working as an IT Manager at Ingeniería y Prevención de Riesgos, S.L. During this time, he acquired high-level skills in developing solutions for professionals from other technological areas, such as civil engineers, mechanical engineers, and so on. This provides him with a great ability to understand what their needs are and build the easiest solution for them.
To keep improving his skills as an ICT professional, in 2015 he joined the Modelling and Software Engineering research group led by Juan de Lara and Esther Guerra within the Computer Science Department of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. His research works consist mainly in the design and development of domain-specific languages and generic tools for domain experts. In 2016 he defended his final master's thesis "A framework for the automated generation of exercises via model mutation", directed by Esther Guerra and Juan de Lara, with a special mention. In 2020 he defended his PhD in Computer Science and Engineering with the title "A domain-specific language for model mutation", directed by Esther Guerra and Mercedes García Merayo, as excellent cum laude. He has been the author of 7 journal publications, co-author of 1 book chapter, and has published in 11 international conferences.
Since 2019 he holds a position as an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. During this period, he has been teaching courses on "Compilers" (120h.) "Automata Theory" (30h.), "Software Analysis and Design" (60h.), "Operating Systems" (45h.) of the BSc in Computer Science, and "Advanced Networks and the Internet" (12h.) of the MSc in Computer Science. He has directed six BSc. in Computer Science Thesis, all with a "Notable" as their final mark.
This page contains links to files in Postscript (ps) or Portable Document Format (pdf) of articles which may be covered by copyright. Copying or distributing these files may violate copyright law. In any case, don't hesitate to contact me if you need an electronic copy of some of the papers or presentations. You can also have a look at my publications from the DBLP server and Google Scholar.
# | Name | Authors | Conference/Journal/Event | Location | Award | Year |
31 | Mutation testing for task-oriented chatbots | Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Sara Pérez-Soler, Pablo C. Cañizares, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara | ACM 28th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2024) | Salerno | -- | 2024 |
30 | A world in my kitchen | Pablo Gómez-Abajo | Personal reflections on social anthropology. SocArXiv Papers | -- | -- | 2024 |
29 | Gotten: A model-driven solution to engineer domain-specific metamorphic testing environments | Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Pablo C. Cañizares, Alberto Núñez, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara | ACM/IEEE 26th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2023) | Västerås | -- | 2023 |
28 | Automated engineering of domain-specific metamorphic testing environments | Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Pablo C. Cañizares, Alberto Núñez, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara | Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD) | Ciudad Real | Journal 1st | 2023 |
27 | Automated generation and correction of diagram-based exercises for Moodle | Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara | Computer Applications in Engineering Education, (Wiley) | -- | -- | 2023 |
26 | Wodel-Edu: A tool for the generation and evaluation of diagram-based exercises | Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara | Science of Computer Programming, (Elsevier). Vol 230 (August), 103000 | -- | -- | 2023 |
25 | Automated engineering of domain-specific metamorphic testing environments | Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Pablo C. Cañizares, Alberto Núñez, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara | Information and Software Technology, (Elsevier). Vol 157 (May), 107164 | -- | -- | 2023 |
24 | Automatic test amplification for executable models | Faezeh Khorram, Erwan Bousse, Jean-Marie Mottu, Gerson Sunyé, Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Pablo C. Cañizares, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara | ACM/IEEE 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2022) | Montreal | -- | 2022 |
23 | Analyzing the reliability of simulated distributed systems using Metamorphic Testing | Alberto Núñez, Pablo C. Cañizares, Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara | International workshop on Metamorphic Testing (MET at ICSE) | Pittsburgh. Virtual | -- | 2022 |
22 | New ideas: Automated engineering of metamorphic testing environments for domain-specific languages | Pablo C. Cañizares, Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Alberto Núñez, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara | ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE) | Chicago. Virtual | Best new ideas/vision paper award at SLE'21 | 2021 |
21 | Wodel-Edu: An MDE solution for the generation and evaluation of diagram-based exercises | Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Andrés Rico-Fernández, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara | ACM/IEEE 24th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2021) | Tokyo. Virtual | Best tool demo paper award at MoDELS'21 | 2021 |
20 | Wodel-Test: A model-based framework for language-independent mutation testing | Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara, Mercedes G. Merayo | ACM/IEEE 24th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2021) | Tokyo. Virtual | Journal 1st | 2021 |
19 | Wodel-Test: A model-based framework for language-independent mutation testing | Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara, Mercedes G. Merayo | Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD) | Málaga | Journal 1st | 2021 |
18 | Mutation Testing for RoboChart | Robert M. Hierons, Maciej Gazda, Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Raluca Lefticaru, Mercedes G. Merayo | Software Engineering for Robotics (Springer). pp.:345–375. | -- | -- | 2021 |
17 | Wodel-Test: A model-based framework for language-independent mutation testing | Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara, Mercedes G. Merayo | Software and Systems Modeling, (Springer), Vol 20 (June). pp.:767–793 | -- | -- | 2021 |
16 | Systematic engineering of mutation operators | Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara, Mercedes G. Merayo | Journal of Object Technology, Vol 19 (October). pp.:3:1-16 | -- | -- | 2020 |
15 | A domain-specific language for model mutation | Pablo Gómez-Abajo | Thesis document. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Computer Science and Engineering | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Excellent cum laude. PhD in MDSE award, ISDM track at JISBD'22 | 2020 |
14 | Seed model synthesis for testing model-based mutation operators | Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara, Mercedes G. Merayo | International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE Forum). Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (Springer) | Grenoble. Virtual | -- | 2020 |
13 | Wodel-Test: A language-independent approach for the generation of mutation testing tools | Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara, Mercedes G. Merayo | Workshop on Software Reliability for Madrid Flight On Chip | IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid | -- | 2019 |
12 | Mutation testing for DSLs (tool demo) | Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara, Mercedes G. Merayo | ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM) | Athens | -- | 2019 |
11 | Desafíos éticos del coche autónomo | Pablo Gómez-Abajo | Course 'Metodologías y problemas actuales de la investigación científica' | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | -- | 2019 |
10 | A tool for domain-independent model mutation | Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara, Mercedes G. Merayo | Science of Computer Programming, (Elsevier), Vol 163 (October). pp.:85-92. | -- | -- | 2018 |
9 | Towards a model-driven engineering solution for language independent mutation testing | Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara, Mercedes G. Merayo | Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD) | Sevilla | -- | 2018 |
8 | Un entorno de pruebas de mutación para sistemas de control del tráfico | Pablo Gómez-Abajo | Course 'Metodologías y problemas actuales de la investigación científica' | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | -- | 2018 |
7 | Poster: "Adoption of the visual brainstorming technique in the open source software development process" | Lucrecia Llerena, Nancy Rodríguez, Pablo Gómez-Abajo, John W. Castro, Silvia T. Acuña | International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) | Gothenburg | -- | 2018 |
6 | A domain-specific language for model mutation and its application to the automated generation of exercises | Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara | Computer Languages, Systems and Structures (Elsevier), Vol 49 (September). pp.:152-173 | -- | Best papers of Programming Languages track at SAC'16 | 2017 |
5 | How to apply the user profile usability technique in the user modelling activity for an adaptive food recommendation system for people on special diets (extended version) | Lucrecia Llerena, Nancy Rodríguez, Pablo Gómez-Abajo, John W. Castro | Journal of Systemics Cybernetics and Informatics (JSCI) | -- | -- | 2017 |
4 | A DSL for model mutation and its applications to different domains | Pablo Gómez-Abajo | Doctoral Symposium at the International Conference of Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems 2016 (MoDELS 2016) | Saint-Malo | -- | 2016 |
3 | Poster: "Wodel: A DSL for model mutation; and Wodel-Edu: its application to the automated generation of exercises" | Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara | 7th International Summer School on Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM-TP) | Genève | -- | 2016 |
2 | A framework for the automated generation of exercises via model mutation | Pablo Gómez-Abajo | Final master's thesis. Master’s Program (MSc) in ICT Research and Innovation | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Special mention | 2016 |
1 | Wodel: A domain-specific language for model mutation | Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara | Symposium on Applied Computing 2016 (SAC). pp.:1968-1973 | Pisa | -- | 2016 |
Name | Year |
Special mention certification | 2000 |
Natural & Health Sciences | 2000 |
Secondary education | 1998 |
Name | Level | Institution | Year |
Proficiency English | C2 | E.O.I. Madrid | 2020 |
Proficiency English | C2 | UNED | 2022 |
Proficiency English | C2 | UNED | 2022 |
Proficiency English | C2 | UNED | 2021 |
Proficiency English | C2 | UNED | 2021 |
Proficiency English | C2 | UNED | 2020 |
Proficiency English | C2 | UNED | 2020 |
Advanced English | C1 | E.O.I. Madrid | 2019 |
Advanced English | C1 | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | 2019 |
Advanced English | C1 | UNED | 2019 |
Advanced English | C1 | UNED | 2019 |
Upper Intermediate English | B2 | E.O.I. Madrid | 2018 |
Upper Intermediate English | B2 | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | 2018 |
Intermediate English | B1 | E.O.I. Madrid | 2000 |
Advanced Portuguese | C1 | Instituto Camões | 2021 |
Advanced Portuguese | C1 | CIAL Centro de Línguas | 2022 |
Upper Intermediate Portuguese | B2 | Instituto Camões | 2021 |
Intermediate Portuguese | B1 | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | 2021 |
Intermediate Portuguese | B1 | Instituto Camões | 2022 |
Intermediate Portuguese | B1 | UNED | 2021 |
Intermediate Portuguese | B1 | UNED | 2021 |
Elementary Portuguese | A2 | Universidade de Lisboa | 2004 |
Beginner Arabic | A1 | E.O.I. Madrid | 2008 |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
3 | Diseño y modificación de planos en 2D y 3D | 180h. | September - October 2007 | Fundación Infored |
2 | Carpintero (U.C. 3 y 4) | 309h. | April - July 2007 | Alcobendas |
1 | Administrador de sistemas y operador de red | 250h. | December 2006 - March 2007 | Microforum |
# | Total | 739h. |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
1 | Programación para Android | 250h. | May - December 2013 |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
6 | VII Jornadas 'Ciencia y Fe': 'Ideología, mentiras camufladas' | June 2019 | Colegio Mayor San Pablo | |
5 | VI Jornadas 'Ciencia y Fe': 'Dignidad humana y ciencia' | June 2018 | Colegio Mayor San Pablo | |
4 | V Jornadas 'Ciencia y Fe': 'Defendiendo la verdad' | June 2017 | Colegio Mayor San Pablo | |
3 | IV Jornadas 'Ciencia y Fe': 'La identidad humana: ¿Somos animales? ¿Somos seres libres? ¿Seremos máquinas?' | June 2016 | Colegio Mayor San Pablo | |
2 | III Jornadas 'Ciencia y Fe': 'Respuestas al fundamentalismo cientifista' | June 2015 | Colegio Mayor San Pablo | |
1 | II Jornadas 'Ciencia y Fe': 'Pilares del Laicismo: Análisis Crítico desde la Ciencia' | June 2014 | Colegio Mayor San Pablo |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
7 | Poténciate con redes sociales | 20h. | April 2019 | Miríada X |
6 | Ingeniería de servicios | 15h. | July 2018 | Miríada X |
5 | Curso ELE online de formación en la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera | 50h. | September - December 2017 | |
4 | Prevención de Riesgos Laborales | 80h. | October 2014 | |
3 | Word 2013 Básico | 75h. | September 2014 | |
2 | Adobe Photoshop CS5 avanzado | 90h. | September 2014 | |
1 | Programación PHP básica | 75h. | August 2014 | |
# | Total | 405h. |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
1 | MatLab para principiantes | 16h. | March 2015 | Miríada X |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
1 | E-Learning: Aulas virtuales en Moodle para uso docente | 24h. | June 2015 | Miríada X |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
1 | DSM-TP International Summer School 2016 on Domain-Specific Modeling | 50h. | August 2016 | Genève |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
11 | Know Thyself - The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Unconscious | 30h. | July 2020 | Coursera |
10 | Know Thyself - The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Examined Life | 30h. | June 2020 | Coursera |
9 | Intellectual Humility: Practice | 14h. | August 2019 | Coursera |
8 | Intellectual Humility: Science | 18h. | August 2019 | Coursera |
7 | Intellectual Humility: Theory | 14h. | August 2019 | Coursera |
6 | Philosophy, Science and Religion: Religion and Science | 16h. | May 2018 | Coursera |
5 | Philosophy, Science and Religion: Philosophy and Religion | 13h. | September 2017 | Coursera |
4 | Philosophy, Science and Religion: Science and Philosophy | 13h. | June 2017 | Coursera |
3 | Philosophy and the Sciences: Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences | 7h. | June 2017 | Coursera |
2 | Philosophy and the Sciences: Introduction to the Philosophy of Physical Sciences | 7h. | June 2017 | Coursera |
1 | Introduction to Philosophy | 14h. | June 2017 | Coursera |
# | Total | 176h. |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
2 | La computación autónoma desde la perspectiva de los Modelos en tiempo de Ejecución | 4h. | February 2018 | Barcelona |
1 | Una panorámica de la minería de procesos: de la práctica a los retos algorítmicos | 8h. | February 2018 | Barcelona |
# | Total | 12h. |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
2 | Historia de la ética | 18h. | May 2020 | edX |
1 | El valor del conocimiento en las sociedades democráticas y de conocimiento | 16h. | February 2018 | Miríada X |
# | Total | 34h. |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
4 | Estrategias tutoriales para el tratamiento de las dificultades de aprendizaje, personalidad y conducta en la adolescencia | 110h. | June 2018 | Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación (ICE) |
3 | Psicología de los grupos | 15h. | February 2019 | |
2 | Elaboración de programaciones didácticas | 110h. | March 2019 | Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación (ICE) |
1 | Cuestiones de ciencia y religión | 28h. | April 2018 | Cátedra Francisco José Ayala de Ciencia, Tecnología y Religión |
# | Total | 263h. |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
1 | Resistencias Ciudadanas como acto creativo | 60h. | October 2018 | Miríada X |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
1 | Introducción al Machine-Learning | 20h. | October 2018 | Miríada X |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
14 | Abnormal psychology | 39h. | October 2022 | Coursera |
13 | Creating behavioral change | 10h. | October 2022 | Coursera |
12 | History of mental illness | 15h. | September 2022 | Coursera |
11 | Introduction to abnormal psychology | 14h. | September 2022 | Coursera |
10 | How to change the world | 26h. | August 2022 | Coursera |
9 | Creative Writing: The Craft of Setting and Description | 12h. | April 2022 | Coursera |
8 | The Ancient Greeks | 20h. | January 2022 | Coursera |
7 | Suicide prevention | 7h. | December 2021 | Coursera |
6 | The Modern and the Postmodern (Part 2) | 14h. | May 2021 | Coursera |
5 | Creative Writing: The Craft of Character | 6h. | January 2021 | Coursera |
4 | The Modern and the Postmodern (Part 1) | 11h. | December 2020 | Coursera |
3 | Schizophrenia | 6h. | August 2020 | Coursera |
2 | Creative Writing: The Craft of Plot | 8h. | March 2020 | Coursera |
1 | Social Psychology | 39h. | November 2018 | Coursera |
# | Total | 176h. |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
1 | Ética en la investigación universitaria | 36h. | February 2019 | Miríada X |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
3 | Automatización de pruebas con Selenium y Cucumber | 10h. | April 2020 | CITIPA y COIIPA |
2 | Norma Técnica Estándar de Proyectos de Ingeniería Informática para la Elaboración y Dirección de TFG y TFM de las Escuelas de Ingeniería Informática | 25h. | April 2019 | UNED |
1 | Norma Técnica de Elaboración de Proyectos de Ingeniería Informática | 25h. | April 2019 | UNED |
# | Total | 60h. |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
2 | Ethics, Technology and Engineering | 40h. | February 2020 | Coursera |
1 | Process Mining: Data Science in Action | 24h. | July 2019 | Coursera |
# | Total | 64h. |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
6 | Primeros auxilios | 80h. | July 2022 | |
5 | Prevención de riesgos laborales | 80h. | June 2022 | |
4 | Creación de contenidos digitales con Adobe Captivate | 100h. | May 2022 | |
3 | Word 2016 | 60h. | December 2019 | |
2 | Excel 2016 | 60h. | November 2019 | |
1 | Conocimientos ofimáticos avanzados - Office 2016 | 60h. | October 2019 | |
# | Total | 440h. |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
1 | The Introduction to Quantum Computing | 20h. | April 2020 | Coursera |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
1 | Introduction to Deep Learning | 60h. | May 2020 | Coursera |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
2 | A Journey through Western Christianity: from Persecuted Faith to Global Religion (200 - 1650) | 46h. | October 2020 | Coursera |
1 | Moralities of Everyday Life | 25h. | July 2020 | Coursera |
# | Total | 71h. |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
1 | Major Depression in the Population: A Public Health Approach | 12h. | September 2020 | Coursera |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
2 | Information & digital literacy for university success | 30h. | May 2022 | Coursera |
1 | Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health | 20h. | November 2020 | Coursera |
# | Total | 50h. |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
1 | Desigualdades y Juventudes en América Latina y el Caribe | 12h. | December 2020 | Miríada X |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
2 | 8 habilidades clave en la era digital | 20h. | January 2021 | Miríada X |
1 | Detección e intervención en el paciente con riesgo suicida | 70h. | January 2021 | Miríada X |
# | Total | 90h. |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
4 | The arts and science of relationships: Understanding human needs | 24h. | July 2021 | Coursera |
3 | Introduction to Psychology | 18h. | May 2021 | Coursera |
2 | Mind control: Managing your mental health during COVID-19 | 3h. | March 2021 | Coursera |
1 | The social context of mental health and illness | 14h. | February 2021 | Coursera |
# | Total | 59h. |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
1 | El Camino de Santiago: Patrimonio de la Humanidad para un mundo global | 25h. | April 2021 | Miríada X |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
4 | Anthropology of Current World Issues | 36h. | June 2022 | edX |
3 | The Science of Everyday Thinking | 30h. | February 2022 | edX |
2 | Introduction to Social Psychology | 10h. | January 2022 | edX |
1 | Philosophy and Critical Thinking | 24h. | June 2021 | edX |
# | Total | 100h. |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
5 | Introduction to logic and critical thinking | 80h. | March 2022 | Coursera |
4 | Think again IV: How to avoid fallacies | 18h. | March 2022 | Coursera |
3 | Think again III: How to reason inductively | 24h. | February 2022 | Coursera |
2 | Think again II: How to reason deductively | 13h. | December 2021 | Coursera |
1 | Think again I: How to understand arguments | 25h. | August 2021 | Coursera |
# | Total | 80h. |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
7 | Writing in the sciences | 30h. | January 2023 | Coursera |
6 | COVID-19 training for healthcare workers | 8h. | December 2021 | Coursera |
5 | Compilers | 70h. | December 2021 | edX |
4 | Game Theory | 18h. | November 2021 | Coursera |
3 | Automata Theory | 70h. | November 2021 | edX |
2 | International women's health and human rights | 58h. | October 2021 | Coursera |
1 | Love as a force for social justice | 28h. | September 2021 | Coursera |
# | Total | 282h. |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
6 | Alfabetización científica: ciencia para todos | 18h. | November 2021 | Miríada X |
5 | Ser ciudadano hoy | 18h. | November 2021 | Miríada X |
4 | El profesor del siglo XXI | 18h. | November 2021 | Miríada X |
3 | Ciencia y ciencia ficción | 24h. | November 2021 | Miríada X |
2 | Negociación y resolución de conflictos | 18h. | October 2021 | Miríada X |
1 | Visión cristiana de la persona humana | 18h. | October 2021 | Miríada X |
# | Total | 96h. |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
1 | Artificial intelligence: Ethics & societal challenges | 13h. | September 2022 | Coursera |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
1 | Ancient Philosophy: Plato & his predecessors | 13h. | December 2022 | Coursera |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
1 | Operating systems foundations | 3h. | January 2023 | Coursera |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
8 | IBM IT support professional certificate | 120h. | July 2023 | Coursera |
7 | Technical support case studies and capstone | 7h. | July 2023 | Coursera |
6 | Introduction to cloud computing | 12h. | April 2023 | Coursera |
5 | Introduction to cybersecurity essentials | 14h. | April 2023 | Coursera |
4 | Introduction to networking and storage | 12h. | April 2023 | Coursera |
3 | Introduction to software, programming and databases | 17h. | March 2023 | Coursera |
2 | Introduction to technical support | 12h. | February 2023 | Coursera |
1 | Introduction to hardware and operating systems | 17h. | January 2023 | Coursera |
# | Total | 120h. |
# | Title | Duration | Date | Location |
2 | Design patterns | 40h. | May 2024 | Coursera |
1 | Object-oriented design | 32h. | February 2024 | Coursera |
# | Total | 72h. |