Collection of Python Tools for Path of Exile.
More detailed docs:
The docs are occasionally updated until I get a build bot up - however docs can also be manually built with sphinx.
- Install Python 3.4 (on windows 86x (32 bit)) to avoid issues with the UI. Pyside support in other versions is currently not available until pyside2 is released.
- On windows 10 machines there seems to a be bug in the python install that prevents arguments being passed to the command line interface; you can identify this issue if you get a "help" listing if you supplied more then 1 argument. See this on stack overflow for possible solutions
- Library toolkit for programmers (PyPoE/poe)
- UI based on QT for browsing the game files
- CLI interface for extracting/exporting data (for the wiki, more TBD)
IRC Channel:
Alpha Stage:
- Code structure and in particular the API may change at any time
- incomplete in many areas (check files and TODOs)
- and tests still have to be written for a lot of things.
- many functions and classes are not yet fully documentated
Dev branch:
- broken code may be committed occasionally to the dev branch
These instructions are for the current development version of PyPoE.
- Install Python 3.4 & git
- make sure Python 3.4 and python scripts folder is in your %PATH% on windows
- checkout PyPoE with git
- go into the PyPoE folder
- Minimum install:
pip3 install -e .
- Full install:
pip3 install -e .[full]
- UI:
- CLI:
(follow the instructions) - API: check the individual files in PyPoE/poe/ or the docs
- Grinding Gear Games - they created many of the file formats and Path of Exile obviously, so do not reuse their files anywhere without their permission and support them if you are able :)
- Chriskang and the original VisualGGPK2
- chuanhsing (poedb) for helping with meaning of certain specification values and retrieving monster stats