beanstalk-cli: A Powerful Command-Line Interface for beanstalkd work queue.
provides a comprehensive set of commands for managing your Beanstalkd queues directly from your terminal. This makes it ideal for scripting, automation, debugging, and integrating with your CI/CD pipelines.
- Cross-platform support: macOS/Linux/Windows 32/64-bit
- Full Beanstalkd Protocol Support: Implement every command of the beanstalkd protocol, giving you complete control over your queues.
- TCP and Unix Socket Connections: Connect to Beanstalkd servers using either TCP or Unix sockets, providing flexibility for different deployment environments.
- JSON Output: Format output as JSON for easy parsing and integration with other tools and scripts, enabling powerful automation workflows.
- Easy Job Management: Put, reserve, bury, delete, and inspect jobs with simple and intuitive commands.
- Queue Statistics: Monitor queue performance and health by retrieving detailed statistics.
- Tube Management: Use tubes to organize your jobs and prioritize processing. This is crucial for complex applications with different job types.
- Put a job
$ beanstalk put -a tcp:// foobar
id: 2
- Reserve a job
$ beanstalk reserve -a tcp://
id: 1
body: 2222
- Bury a job
$ beanstalk-cli bury -a tcp:// 2
id: 2
body: foobar
- Delete a job
$ beanstalk-cli delete -a tcp:// 2
- Show server stats
$ beanstalk-cli stats tcp://
- Connect to a server with address defined in environment variable
$ export BS_ADDRESS=tcp://
$ beanstalk-cli stats-tube default
- Connect to a server listening on unix socket
$ beanstalkd -l unix:///tmp/beanstalkd.sock &
$ beanstalk-cli stats -a unix:///tmp/beanstalkd.sock
Precompiled binaries for supported operating systems are available.
This CLI tools is wrtten in golang, based on the official go-beanstalk lib.