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kamaradski edited this page Oct 25, 2016 · 5 revisions
  1. Can I run KSP DarkMultiPlayer on Ubuntu/Debian
  2. Synchronizing resourcemaps between players

Can I run KSP DarkMultiPlayer on Ubuntu/Debian

Short answer: Yes you can.
Long answer: Yes, but you will need to install Mono (

Mono is the linux .net framework that is required to run applications developed in .net. For installation instructions you can follow the wiki-page here intended for the RasPi (

Synchronizing resourcemaps between players

Basically what works (but not perfect) is symlinking the files

Collect the files you want shared among players in a common spot.
I recommend Initial so new players get a sort of up to date version till you symlink them in the group

Windows Method

Goto the folder you keep all your copies you want shared
Shift+Rightclick the folder and 'open an command window here'
(mklink /h [sourcefile] [destinationfile])

So if your in DMPServer\Universe\Scenarios\Initial it would be something like:
mklink /h ResourceScenario.txt ..\Username\ResourceScenario.txt
do this for all the users

File can't exist in destination or it will throw an error
/H is very important, dmpserver may crash if you forget !

Important to note:
This is not flawless, if multiple people are working on scanning you may lose some progress but scenarios are saved every 30 seconds, just fear they are only read on login.

You can do this while the server runs, but progress loss may occur, it's recommended to only link offline players while it runs