The Hasura Console launched from the CLI is not designed to be run in web environments. That makes it complicated to setup in web-based IDEs like GitPod. This is an example of how to set that up.
Can't reach because CLI api can't be reached.
docker-compose up -d graphql
(cd graphql && hasura console --admin-secret password --endpoint https://5000-${GITPOD_WORKSPACE_ID}.${GITPOD_WORKSPACE_CLUSTER_HOST})
Can't reach because CLI api can't bind to 443
docker-compose up -d graphql
(cd graphql && hasura console --admin-secret password --endpoint https://5000-${GITPOD_WORKSPACE_ID}.${GITPOD_WORKSPACE_CLUSTER_HOST} --api-port 443 --api-host https://9693-${GITPOD_WORKSPACE_ID}.${GITPOD_WORKSPACE_CLUSTER_HOST})
- One CLI instance runs in one container with the appropriate API endpoint specified. It will throw an error re: address bind, but that's okay. This one will just be used for the console UI.
- Another CLI instance runs in another container, without the address bind. This one will just be used for the API.
- A Traefik container runs to direct traffic to each container as appropriate.