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sim642 committed Mar 18, 2024
2 parents 4f1e717 + 92de654 commit 495cba4
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Showing 64 changed files with 599 additions and 392 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/analyses/apron/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ struct
if ContextUtil.should_keep ~isAttr:GobContext ~keepOption:"ana.relation.context" ~removeAttr:"" ~keepAttr:"relation.context" fd then
else () (* just like startstate, heterogeneous () means top over empty set of variables *) ()

let exitstate _ = { rel = (); priv = Priv.startstate () }
let startstate _ = { rel = (); priv = Priv.startstate () }
let exitstate _ = { rel = (); priv = Priv.startstate () }
let startstate _ = { rel = (); priv = Priv.startstate () }

(* Functions for manipulating globals as temporary locals. *)

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36 changes: 25 additions & 11 deletions src/analyses/apron/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ struct
{st with rel = rel_local}

let threadenter ask getg (st: relation_components_t): relation_components_t =
{rel = (); priv = startstate ()}
{rel = (); priv = startstate ()}

let iter_sys_vars getg vq vf = ()
let invariant_vars ask getg st = []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -489,7 +489,11 @@ struct
let get_mutex_inits = getg V.mutex_inits in
let get_mutex_inits' = RD.keep_vars get_mutex_inits [g_var] in
RD.join get_mutex_global_g get_mutex_inits'
if not (RD.mem_var get_mutex_inits' g_var) then (* TODO: is this just a workaround for an escape bug? *)
(* This is an escaped variable whose value was never side-effected to get_mutex_inits' *)
RD.join get_mutex_global_g get_mutex_inits'

let get_mutex_global_g_with_mutex_inits_atomic ask getg =
(* Unprotected invariant is one big relation. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -527,12 +531,15 @@ struct
rel_local (* Keep write local as if it were protected by the atomic section. *)

let write_global ?(invariant=false) (ask: Q.ask) getg sideg (st: relation_components_t) g x: relation_components_t =
(** Like write global but has option to skip meet with current value, as the value will not have been side-effected to a useful location thus far *)
let write_global_internal ?(skip_meet=false) ?(invariant=false) (ask: Q.ask) getg sideg (st: relation_components_t) g x: relation_components_t =
let atomic = Param.handle_atomic && ask.f MustBeAtomic in
let rel = st.rel in
(* lock *)
let rel =
if atomic && RD.mem_var rel ( g) then
if skip_meet then
else if atomic && RD.mem_var rel ( g) then
rel (* Read previous unpublished unprotected write in current atomic section. *)
else if atomic then rel (get_mutex_global_g_with_mutex_inits_atomic ask getg) (* Read unprotected invariant as full relation. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -564,6 +571,9 @@ struct
{st with rel = rel_local} (* Keep write local as if it were protected by the atomic section. *)

let write_global = write_global_internal ~skip_meet:false
let write_escape = write_global_internal ~skip_meet:true

let lock ask getg (st: relation_components_t) m =
let atomic = Param.handle_atomic && LockDomain.Addr.equal m (atomic_mutex) in
(* TODO: somehow actually unneeded here? *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -626,13 +636,17 @@ struct
let rel = st.rel in
let rel_side = RD.keep_filter rel (fun var ->
(* Replace with remove_filter once issues are fixed *)
let g_vars = List.filter (fun var ->
match AV.find_metadata var with
| Some (Global _) -> true
| _ -> false
) (RD.vars rel)
sideg V.mutex_inits rel_side;
let rel_side = RD.keep_vars rel g_vars in
(* If no globals are contained here, none need to be published *)
(* *)
if g_vars <> [] then sideg V.mutex_inits rel_side;
let rel_local = RD.remove_filter rel (fun var ->
match AV.find_metadata var with
| Some (Global g) -> is_unprotected ask g
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -662,11 +676,11 @@ struct
let escape node ask getg sideg (st:relation_components_t) escaped : relation_components_t =
let esc_vars = EscapeDomain.EscapedVars.elements escaped in
let esc_vars = List.filter (fun v -> not v.vglob && RD.Tracked.varinfo_tracked v && RD.mem_var st.rel (AV.local v)) esc_vars in
let escape_one (x:varinfo) st = write_global ask getg sideg st x x in
let escape_one (x:varinfo) st = write_escape ask getg sideg st x x in
List.fold_left (fun st v -> escape_one v st) st esc_vars

let threadenter ask getg (st: relation_components_t): relation_components_t =
{rel = (); priv = startstate ()}
{rel = (); priv = startstate ()}

let init () = ()
let finalize () = ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -799,7 +813,7 @@ struct
let lock_get_m oct local_m get_m =
let joined = LRD.join local_m get_m in
if M.tracing then M.traceli "relationpriv" "lock_get_m:\n get=%a\n joined=%a\n" LRD.pretty get_m LRD.pretty joined;
let r = LRD.fold (fun _ -> joined ( ()) in (* bot is top with empty env *)
let r = LRD.fold (fun _ -> joined ( ()) in
if M.tracing then M.trace "relationpriv" "meet=%a\n" RD.pretty r;
let r = oct r in
if M.tracing then M.traceu "relationpriv" "-> %a\n" RD.pretty r;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1220,7 +1234,7 @@ struct

let threadenter ask getg (st: relation_components_t): relation_components_t =
let _,lmust,l = st.priv in
{rel = (); priv = ( (),lmust,l)}
{rel = (); priv = ( (),lmust,l)}

let iter_sys_vars getg vq vf =
match vq with
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/analyses/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -141,9 +141,9 @@ module MallocWrapper : MCPSpec = struct
if not (GobConfig.get_bool "dbg.full-output") && ThreadLifted.is_top t then
Format.dprintf ""
Format.dprintf "@tid:%s%t" ( t) uniq_count
Format.dprintf "@tid:%s" ( t)
Format.asprintf "(alloc@sid:%s%t)" (Node.show_id node) tid
Format.asprintf "(alloc@sid:%s%t%t)" (Node.show_id node) tid uniq_count

module NodeVarinfoMap = RichVarinfo.BiVarinfoMap.Make(ThreadNode)
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/build-info/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,12 @@
(mode (promote (until-clean) (only ; replace existing file in source tree, even if releasing (only overrides)
(action (write-file %{target} "(* Automatically regenerated, changes do not persist! *)\nlet flambda = \"%{ocaml-config:flambda}\"")))

(mode (promote (until-clean) (only ; replace existing file in source tree, even if releasing (only overrides)
(deps (universe)) ; do not cache, always regenerate
(action (pipe-stdout (bash "date +\"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S\" || echo \"n/a\"") (with-stdout-to %{target} (bash "xargs printf '(* Automatically regenerated, changes do not persist! *)\nlet datetime = \"%s\"'")))))

(flags (:standard -w -no-cmx-file)))) ; suppress warning from flambda compiler bug:
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/build-info/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,3 +32,6 @@ let version =

(** Statically linked libraries with versions. *)
let statically_linked_libraries = Dune_build_info.statically_linked_libraries

(** Build date and time. *)
let datetime = ConfigDatetime.datetime
141 changes: 117 additions & 24 deletions src/cdomain/value/cdomains/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,23 @@ open FloatOps

exception ArithmeticOnFloatBot of string

(** Define records that hold mutable variables representing different Configuration values.
* These values are used to keep track of whether or not the corresponding Config values are en-/disabled *)
type ana_float_config_values = {
mutable evaluate_math_functions : bool option;

let ana_float_config: ana_float_config_values = {
evaluate_math_functions = None;

let get_evaluate_math_functions () =
if ana_float_config.evaluate_math_functions = None then
ana_float_config.evaluate_math_functions <- Some (GobConfig.get_bool "ana.float.evaluate_math_functions");
Option.get ana_float_config.evaluate_math_functions

let reset_lazy () = ana_float_config.evaluate_math_functions <- None

module type FloatArith = sig
type t

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,12 +290,12 @@ module FloatIntervalImpl(Float_t : CFloatType) = struct
| _ -> Bot

(** [widen x y] assumes [leq x y]. Solvers guarantee this by calling [widen old (join old new)]. *)
let widen v1 v2 = (**TODO: support 'threshold_widening' option *)
let widen v1 v2 = (* TODO: support 'threshold_widening' option *)
match v1, v2 with
| Top, _ | _, Top -> Top
| Bot, v | v, Bot -> v
| Interval (l1, h1), Interval (l2, h2) ->
(**If we widen and we know that neither interval contains +-inf or nan, it is ok to widen only to +-max_float,
(* If we widen and we know that neither interval contains +-inf or nan, it is ok to widen only to +-max_float,
because a widening with +-inf/nan will always result in the case above -> Top *)
let low = if l1 <= l2 then l1 else Float_t.lower_bound in
let high = if h1 >= h2 then h1 else Float_t.upper_bound in
Expand All @@ -289,7 +306,7 @@ module FloatIntervalImpl(Float_t : CFloatType) = struct
| _ -> Top

let narrow v1 v2 =
match v1, v2 with (**we cannot distinguish between the lower bound beeing -inf or the upper bound beeing inf. Also there is nan *)
match v1, v2 with (* we cannot distinguish between the lower bound beeing -inf or the upper bound beeing inf. Also there is nan *)
| Bot, _ | _, Bot -> Bot
| Top, _ -> v2
| Interval (l1, h1), Interval (l2, h2) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -623,15 +640,79 @@ module FloatIntervalImpl(Float_t : CFloatType) = struct
unknown_IInt ()

(**it seems strange not to return an explicit 1 for negative numbers, but in c99 signbit is defined as: *)
(**<<The signbit macro returns a nonzero value if and only if the sign of its argument value is negative.>> *)
(**it seems strange not to return an explicit 1 for negative numbers, but in c99 signbit is defined as:
**<<The signbit macro returns a nonzero value if and only if the sign of its argument value is negative.>> *)
let eval_signbit = function
| (_, h) when h < -> true_nonZero_IInt ()
| (l, _) when l > -> false_zero_IInt ()
| _ -> unknown_IInt () (**any interval containing zero has to fall in this case, because we do not distinguish between 0. and -0. *)

(**This Constant overapproximates pi to use as bounds for the return values of trigonometric functions *)
let overapprox_pi = 3.1416
| _ -> unknown_IInt () (* any interval containing zero has to fall in this case, because we do not distinguish between 0. and -0. *)

(** returns the max of the given mfun once computed with rounding mode Up and once with rounding mode down*)
let safe_mathfun_up mfun f = max (mfun Down f) (mfun Up f)
(** returns the min of the given mfun once computed with rounding mode Up and once with rounding mode down*)
let safe_mathfun_down mfun f = min (mfun Down f) (mfun Up f)

(** This function does two things:
** 1. projects l and h onto the interval [0, k*pi] (for k = 2 this is the phase length of sin/cos, for k = 1 it is the phase length of tan)
** 2. compresses/transforms the interval [0, k*pi] to the interval [0, 1] to ease further computations
** i.e. the function computes dist = distance, l'' = (l/(k*pi)) - floor(l/(k*pi)), h'' = (h/(k*pi)) - floor(h/(k*pi))*)
let project_and_compress l h k =
let ft_over_kpi = (Float_t.mul Up (Float_t.of_float Up k) Float_t.pi) in
let ft_under_kpi = (Float_t.mul Down (Float_t.of_float Down k) Float_t.pi) in
let l' =
if l >= then (Float_t.div Down l ft_over_kpi)
else (Float_t.div Down l ft_under_kpi)
let h' =
if h >= then (Float_t.div Up h ft_under_kpi)
else (Float_t.div Up h ft_over_kpi)
let dist = (Float_t.sub Up h' l') in
let l'' =
if l' >= then
Float_t.sub Down l' (Float_t.of_float Up (Z.to_float (Float_t.to_big_int l')))
Float_t.sub Down l' (Float_t.of_float Up (Z.to_float (Z.pred (Float_t.to_big_int l'))))
let h'' =
if h' >= then
Float_t.sub Up h' (Float_t.of_float Down (Z.to_float (Float_t.to_big_int h')))
Float_t.sub Up h' (Float_t.of_float Down (Z.to_float (Z.pred (Float_t.to_big_int h'))))
(dist, l'', h'')

let eval_cos_cfun l h =
let (dist, l'', h'') = project_and_compress l h 2. in
if Messages.tracing then Messages.trace "CstubsTrig" "cos: dist %s; l'' %s; h'' %s\n" (Float_t.to_string dist) (Float_t.to_string l'') (Float_t.to_string h'');
if (dist <= Float_t.of_float Down 0.5) && (h'' <= Float_t.of_float Down 0.5) && (l'' <= h'') then
(* case: monotonic decreasing interval*)
Interval (safe_mathfun_down Float_t.cos h, safe_mathfun_up Float_t.cos l)
else if (dist <= Float_t.of_float Down 0.5) && (l'' >= Float_t.of_float Up 0.5) && (l'' <= h'') then
(* case: monotonic increasing interval*)
Interval (safe_mathfun_down Float_t.cos l, safe_mathfun_up Float_t.cos h)
else if (dist <= Float_t.of_float Down 1.) && (l'' <= h'') then
(* case: contains at most one minimum*)
Interval (Float_t.of_float Down (-.1.), max (safe_mathfun_up Float_t.cos l) (safe_mathfun_up Float_t.cos h))
else if (dist <= Float_t.of_float Down 1.) && (l'' >= Float_t.of_float Up 0.5) && (h'' <= Float_t.of_float Down 0.5) then
(* case: contains at most one maximum*)
Interval (min (safe_mathfun_down Float_t.cos l) (safe_mathfun_down Float_t.cos h), Float_t.of_float Up 1.)
of_interval (-. 1., 1.)

let eval_sin_cfun l h =
let lcos = Float_t.sub Down l (Float_t.div Up Float_t.pi (Float_t.of_float Down 2.0)) in
let hcos = Float_t.sub Up h (Float_t.div Down Float_t.pi (Float_t.of_float Up 2.0)) in
eval_cos_cfun lcos hcos

let eval_tan_cfun l h =
let (dist, l'', h'') = project_and_compress l h 1. in
if Messages.tracing then Messages.trace "CstubsTrig" "tan: dist %s; l'' %s; h'' %s\n" (Float_t.to_string dist) (Float_t.to_string l'') (Float_t.to_string h'');
if (dist <= Float_t.of_float Down 1.) && (Bool.not ((l'' <= Float_t.of_float Up 0.5) && (h'' >= Float_t.of_float Up 0.5))) then
(* case: monotonic increasing interval*)
Interval (safe_mathfun_down Float_t.tan l, safe_mathfun_up Float_t.tan h)
top ()

let eval_fabs = function
| (l, h) when l > -> Interval (l, h)
Expand All @@ -656,39 +737,51 @@ module FloatIntervalImpl(Float_t : CFloatType) = struct

let eval_acos = function
| (l, h) when l = h && l = Float_t.of_float Nearest 1. -> of_const 0. (*acos(1) = 0*)
| (l, h) ->
if l < (Float_t.of_float Down (-.1.)) || h > (Float_t.of_float Up 1.) then
Messages.warn ~category:Messages.Category.Float "Domain error might occur: acos argument might be outside of [-1., 1.]";
of_interval (0., (overapprox_pi)) (**could be more exact *)
| (l, h) when l < (Float_t.of_float Down (-.1.)) || h > (Float_t.of_float Up 1.) ->
Messages.warn ~category:Messages.Category.Float "Domain error might occur: acos argument might be outside of [-1., 1.]";
Interval (Float_t.of_float Down 0., Float_t.pi)
| (l, h) when get_evaluate_math_functions () ->
norm @@ Interval (safe_mathfun_down Float_t.acos h, safe_mathfun_up Float_t.acos l) (* acos is monotonic decreasing in [-1, 1]*)
| _ -> Interval (Float_t.of_float Down 0., Float_t.pi)

let eval_asin = function
| (l, h) when l = h && l = -> of_const 0. (*asin(0) = 0*)
| (l, h) ->
if l < (Float_t.of_float Down (-.1.)) || h > (Float_t.of_float Up 1.) then
Messages.warn ~category:Messages.Category.Float "Domain error might occur: asin argument might be outside of [-1., 1.]";
div (of_interval ((-. overapprox_pi), overapprox_pi)) (of_const 2.) (**could be more exact *)
| (l, h) when l < (Float_t.of_float Down (-.1.)) || h > (Float_t.of_float Up 1.) ->
Messages.warn ~category:Messages.Category.Float "Domain error might occur: asin argument might be outside of [-1., 1.]";
div (Interval (Float_t.neg Float_t.pi, Float_t.pi)) (of_const 2.)
| (l, h) when get_evaluate_math_functions () ->
norm @@ Interval (safe_mathfun_down Float_t.asin l, safe_mathfun_up Float_t.asin h) (* asin is monotonic increasing in [-1, 1]*)
| _ -> div (Interval (Float_t.neg Float_t.pi, Float_t.pi)) (of_const 2.)

let eval_atan = function
| (l, h) when l = h && l = -> of_const 0. (*atan(0) = 0*)
| _ -> div (of_interval ((-. overapprox_pi), overapprox_pi)) (of_const 2.) (**could be more exact *)
| (l, h) when get_evaluate_math_functions () ->
norm @@ Interval (safe_mathfun_down Float_t.atan l, safe_mathfun_up Float_t.atan h) (* atan is monotonic increasing*)
| _ -> div (Interval (Float_t.neg Float_t.pi, Float_t.pi)) (of_const 2.)

let eval_cos = function
| (l, h) when l = h && l = -> of_const 1. (*cos(0) = 1*)
| _ -> of_interval (-. 1., 1.) (**could be exact for intervals where l=h, or even for Interval intervals *)
| (l, h) when get_evaluate_math_functions () ->
norm @@ eval_cos_cfun l h
| _ -> of_interval (-. 1., 1.)

let eval_sin = function
| (l, h) when l = h && l = -> of_const 0. (*sin(0) = 0*)
| _ -> of_interval (-. 1., 1.) (**could be exact for intervals where l=h, or even for some intervals *)
| (l, h) when get_evaluate_math_functions () ->
norm @@ eval_sin_cfun l h
| _ -> of_interval (-. 1., 1.)

let eval_tan = function
| (l, h) when l = h && l = -> of_const 0. (*tan(0) = 0*)
| _ -> top () (**could be exact for intervals where l=h, or even for some intervals *)
| (l, h) when get_evaluate_math_functions () ->
norm @@ eval_tan_cfun l h
| _ -> top ()

let eval_sqrt = function
| (l, h) when l = && h = -> of_const 0.
| (l, h) when l >= ->
let low = Float_t.sqrt Down l in
let high = Float_t.sqrt Up h in
| (l, h) when l >= && get_evaluate_math_functions () ->
let low = safe_mathfun_down Float_t.sqrt l in
let high = safe_mathfun_up Float_t.sqrt h in
Interval (low, high)
| _ -> top ()

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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/cdomain/value/cdomains/floatDomain.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ open GoblintCil

exception ArithmeticOnFloatBot of string

val reset_lazy: unit -> unit

module type FloatArith = sig
type t

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/cdomains/apron/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -305,9 +305,9 @@ struct

let is_bot_env t = t.d = None

let top () = failwith " ()"
let top () = {d = Some (Matrix.empty ()); env = Environment.make [||] [||]}

let is_top _ = false
let is_top t = Environment.equal empty_env t.env && GobOption.exists Matrix.is_empty t.d

let is_top_env t = (not @@ Environment.equal empty_env t.env) && GobOption.exists Matrix.is_empty t.d

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9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions src/cdomains/apron/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -666,14 +666,15 @@ struct

let empty_env = Environment.make [||] [||]

(* top and bottom over the empty environment are different, pending *)
let bot () =
top_env empty_env
bot_env empty_env

let top () =
failwith ""
top_env empty_env

let is_bot = equal (bot ())
let is_top _ = false
let is_bot x = equal (bot ()) x
let is_top x = equal (top ()) x

let strengthening_enabled = GobConfig.get_bool "ana.apron.strengthening"

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